Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Most Holy Mary): Dear children, today, on the Feast of my Immaculate Heart, I want to ask all my children: Help the plans of my Immaculate Heart, help my Heart to Triumph!
Be the brave soldiers who go everywhere announcing my messages and calling my children to conversion, close to my Heart.
My Heart wishes to set the whole earth on fire with my Flame of Love!
It is very true that here and elsewhere this flame should have already set everything on fire. But many times I have found hearts that are shaky, arid and without love.
That is why my Flame of Love could not perform the wonders and wonders that the Lord wanted, that I wanted in the lives of my children and in humanity.
Open your hearts; welcome my Flame of love and let it work completely in you.
Give me your complete 'YES' so that I may realize in you the plans of salvation that the Lord and I have made for your good.
My plans must advance. So now I want you to truly reread all of my messages and you to launch yourselves into the apostolate, spreading my messages as far as possible to all my children.
I wish, that you also do the Cenacles praying the Rosary of Peace, which is so powerful to achieve Peace for humanity and to attract new graces of conversion over the whole world.
You must pass on my messages to at least 30 people every day. So that I can truly, as soon as possible, gather 1/3 of converted souls. So that then, the Secrets can happen and my triumph can finally establish itself in the whole world.
Do not make personal plans, because I will make my plans happen and not your plans.
Pray, to be docile and recognize when I bring down your plans and realize mine.
Pray that you will be strong, because to be saints, to reach heaven, and to be my true children, you must be willing to lose many things that you love.
It is necessary, so that you detach yourselves from the earth, so that you detach yourselves from creatures, and so that you may be only and entirely mine and the Lord.
Only in this way will you be the free and docile instruments, available, completely mine. Which I will be able to use, which I will be able to use, powerfully, to free my children from the slavery of sin and Satan and to bring them to the Salvation that is my Son Jesus.
Pray a lot! Pray my Rosary every day! Because the more you pray it with love, the more the Mighty Flame of love of my Immaculate Heart will burn your hearts.
What my Immaculate Heart desires most, the Devotion my Heart desires is the Devotion of the 'YES', the 'YES' of Love!
What my Heart wants are souls completely dead to themselves, unwillingly, completely free and detached from the world and all that is passing away.
Souls that like swift eagles will fly everywhere, carrying my messages of Love, carrying my Grace.
And again transforming the desert of sin of this world into the Green Garden of Holiness.
Free souls, free of the world and completely captive of my Love.
Dead souls for the world and alive only for me.
Poor souls of the world, who want nothing from the world and rich in God's Love and Grace, rich in my Love.
These are the souls I want! This is the devotion that my Immaculate Heart wants: THE DEVOTION OF THE 'YES', the devotion of life completely given and consecrated to me.
I seek those souls! I have searched here in many souls. Unfortunately I did not find enough such souls to form the Court of Souls Victims with Me. From the Souls of Love, from the Mystical Roses of Love, to counterbalance the number of slave souls of Satan, servants of Satan, who only live to deny God, to work to destroy the Catholic Faith in the World, and to establish in the World the kingdom of Satan.
I need to find those souls! I want those souls!
Give Me Your 'YES' so that I can truly Here, find what I have searched for in so many places of Apparitions and have not found: Souls capable of overcoming the devil, the world and the flesh and living only for myself and for myself, for the Glory of the Lord.
To all, I bless with love now, from MONTICHIARI. de LA SALETTE. and from JACAREÍ. ”