Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Message of Our Lady and of Saint Leah

(Marcos): Forever be praised!
Yes. Yes, I will. Yes, I will.
I will do as the Lady wishes.
Yes, I will. As many as the Lady wants.
Yes, I will.
Yes. Yes, I will continue.
I'm glad that at least that has diminished. Yes. How nice!
Are you more relieved already?. How nice! That's all I want. All of it!
I don't like to see you like this.
I like to do everything I can to help and to see the Lady always happy. Always! Always!"
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you again to live the Messages I gave in LA CODOSERA:
- More love for the PASSION OF JESUS that is so forgotten.
Pray the JESUS' ROUTE every Friday.
Also, be converted, repent of your sins, pray the Rosary every day! Pray the Rosary of my Seven Sorrows and try to offer yourselves as intercessor souls for humanity, as I asked my little children to whom I appeared.
So that then you can offer your lives to GOD as intercessors for humanity and with your prayers, sacrifices and daily sufferings, accepted and offered with Love, stop the wave of sin that drags and submerges everything.
Also, stop the rays of GOD's Wrath, which more and more, want to come down to earth and strike down whole nations for the heinous crimes they commit every day. And to reach from GOD, once again, the miracle of His Divine Mercy for this world that has already touched the bottom of its corruption and evil.
Only when there is a numerous court of intercessor souls, of sacrificing souls, that offer themselves with Me to the FATHER to reach Mercy. Only in this way will the plans of Hell be stopped and finally Satan be annihilated.
I came here, as in LA CODOSERA, to seek these souls.
Be the red mystical roses of sacrifice, of sacrificial love, that are offered every day with Me to the FATHER to reach the Grace of Salvation for so many souls, that because they have fallen so deep into the abyss of sin, they can no longer rise without the help of a great miracle of GOD obtained and impetrated by the prayers and sacrifices of good souls, of generous souls, that know how to love, suffer, repair and offer with Me great power of intercession for so many souls in need.
Be My children, the red roses, who with their daily tears, with their little daily pains and spontaneous sacrifices, offer Me every day a great mystical garland of mystical roses of sacrifice, so that I may offer to the Holy Trinity.
And each one of these Mystical Roses of sacrifice and prayer, become new souls touched by Grace and converted to the Love of the Lord!
Pray My Rosary every day, because the soul who prays My Rosary feels the need to love and to make reparation, to sacrifice and to give Himself to Me for the Salvation of this world that has already touched the bottom of the precipice, of immorality and of sin.
The souls who pray My Rosary with Me have their hearts burned with love and this love leads these souls to do everything, suffer and offer for the Salvation of humanity.
Be these Mystical Roses, give your 'YES' to GOD, be converted while there is still time. My little son Marcos said it very well:
'The time for Teaching is about to end and soon each one will receive his approval or disapproval note.
Learn while I am still here as a Teacher of Life, Love and Wisdom to teach everyone what pleases GOD.
Mortify your eyes, do not look at that which leads to sin.
Do not look at what leads you to have bad thoughts and desires.
Do not look at what the world offers you, at what the devil offers you. Keep your eyes, both body and soul pure, seeking only and only to see that which builds your souls, that which does your souls good, that which inspires your desire for Heaven, for Holiness, for GOD!
Mortify your ears by not hearing anything that leads you to evil. Above all, not listening to so many devilish voices of my Enemy, who even today invite you to abandon my Son Jesus to me, to prayer, to the practice of my Messages in order to seek only and only the life of pleasures.
Finally, renounce taste, making the sacrifice of not eating what you like and often eating what you don't like and offering the small daily sacrifices to GOD for the Conversion of humanity.
Mortify your senses in everything and everything you can, so that in this way, having the body protected from evil, the soul, too, can be preserved and each day can grow more beautiful in the eyes of the HOLY TRINITY, more full of Light, Grace and Holiness.
Live a life of great austerity. Do not accept the pleasures of the world, run away from them. For the war against sin, against temptation is only won by fleeing from it and taking refuge in my Immaculate Heart through the Rosary, Meditation, Silence and Mental Prayer.
To all I thank you for coming, to all I thank you for your love for me, for everything you do for me.
To all I thank you for your efforts in helping Me to save My children and to make more and more of My Messages of Love known and obeyed by all.
Thank you little children, continue! Don't stop! Because even if you are little lights like the flame of a candle in the world. If you are many flames, if the flames multiply, one day a great Light will shine.
And then, finally, I will dispel Satan's darkness by a miracle of the Love of my Immaculate Heart and the Victory of my Flame of Love.
I thank you all, follow the example of my little son Marcos, who this week offered so much headaches that I allow him to have at night, for some intentions. To offer for some souls, for My Maternal Plans and for the conversion of sinners, tormented by night with this pain and by day tormented by the other pain I allowed him to have in his body. And yet he did not complain and all the time he only offered.
Follow this example: Offer all that the Lord allows you to suffer. Because these sufferings offered to me with your prayers will have great mystical power to save many souls, including those of your relatives who sin so much and without these sacrifices you will be lost forever.
Prayer, Sacrifice is Love that ascends to Heaven, and in response, from Heaven descends the miracle of Conversion, Salvation and Spiritual Spring for so many souls.
To you, my beloved little son Marcos, for all that you suffer and offer to Me, for all that you have done, I thank you. To all those who work in My Shrine I also give thanks.
And to you, my little son Carlos Thaddeus, for all that you have done: for the Cenacles so beautiful, so intense and full of love that you do for Me.
I also thank you, little son, and again I say: Keep doing it, keep consoling my Heart, keep saving souls, keep giving glory to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus.
Mama is with you, loves you and blesses you!
To all, I now bless MONTICHIARI. de LA SALETTE. and JACAREÍ".
(Marcos): "Forever be praised!"
(Saint Leah): "Dear brothers My, I, LEAY, servant of the Lord and of the Mother of God, am happy to come to give My first Message here in this place which is the precious stone of My Love and of My Heart.
To give my first Message to this my beloved brother Marcos Thaddeus, whom I love so much and whom I always protect, defend and guard from all evil.
I, LÉIA, call you all: Love the Mother of Love! The Mother of Eternal Love who is not loved.
Ah, when I was on earth, I loved her so much, I loved God so much! I cried and said, 'The Mother of Love is not loved! Love is not loved and the Mother of Love is despised.
How I wanted to have tears much more abundant than the waters of all the seas, to fill them with my tears until they overflow. So that men could understand how much I suffered to see that the Mother of Eternal Love is not loved.
Ah! How I wanted to have a very powerful voice so that the whole world could hear My voice calling them to the Love of Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Ah! My Heart was consumed day and night with mortal pain for seeing that not only was Love not loved, but the Mother of Love was not loved either.
Oh! My eyes were pouring out, overflowing with tears day and night and they were continually my bread.
I spoke to all who could love Love, to love the Mother of Eternal and Beautiful Love! But My voice fell on an immense desert.
Yes, I decided to offer My life to the Lord and His Mother so that My life as a perfect Sacrifice of Love could reach all souls on Earth: The Grace of the knowledge of Eternal Truth, the Grace of the knowledge of Eternal Love, the knowledge of the existence of the Mother of Divine Love.
And that all humanity could correspond to this Love. To this Motherly Love that brought us Salvation, that saved the world with Her 'YES', and that with Her Obedience blasted the abyss that Our Mother Eve and Our Father Adam had opened between Us and the Creator.
Yes, as I cried with ecstasy and joy meditating on how with a 'NO', with an act of disobedience and pride Our Mother Eve opened hell for Us. And like Mary Most Holy, the Mother of Eternal Love with an act of Love, of Humility, of Obedience to God, opened Heaven for Us.
Ah! This led me to deep tears of love, to the deepest and most ardent ecstasy of Love. And I wanted all men to know this Love, to feel this Love and to be burnt by this Love.
That's why I came here, I came to tell you: Open your hearts to know this Love. Ask Me for the Grace of knowing this Love, of feeling this Love, of having this Flame of Love, that I will reach this Grace for you with My merits.
I want so much to burn all men with this Burning Flame of Love. Ask Me for this Flame and I will give it to everyone who asks for it. I will give and I will give with largesse, with abundance.
Pray the Rosary every day, because with the Rosary I can always burn your hearts with this Divine Flame of Love.
Run away from all the worldly things that dry up your hearts and souls and transform them into deserts where all good dies.
Pray, meditate, seek a life of deep love and intimacy with the Lord.
I, bless you all, love you all and protect you from all evil!
I love you very much, dear brother Marcos, I am close to you. I am one of the saints who protects you and always guards you.
And I bless you too, my beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus, you cannot imagine how much I love you.
Oh yes! I wish I could return to earth and suffer all that I have suffered again in order to be able to offer for you, to achieve for you all the good and all the Grace of the Lord.
But the Lord told Me that what I suffered in My life and offered for you and for Our beloved Marcos, whom I also knew by divine revelation would exist in the future and to whom a great Mission would be entrusted.
And you would be joined to this privileged soul, to finish with it the last Plan of Salvation of humanity made by the Lord and His Mother.
Yes, I offered then the sufferings of My whole life for you, so that now you may receive all the good, all the Grace of Heaven. Yes, I love you, I have known you in God for centuries and loved you in God too.
So don't be afraid of anything, I am always with you, always together to defend you, guard you and support you. I am now standing over you in My Cloak of Light to guard you and to always free you from all ties of evil, the Enemy.
Yes, you must never fear anything, because beside you there is a sister who has loved you for centuries, who has offered her life as a sacrifice of Love for you.
At your side you have a powerful lawyer who prays for you every day, especially at 1:00 in the afternoon. At that hour I prostrate myself before the Throne of the Blessed Trinity, of the Blessed Virgin and I make a very special and ardent private prayer for you.
At that hour I will pour on you Graces and Special Blessings, and I will also pour on this Place, on my Most Beloved Marcos and on this Work of Salvation. At that hour, when it is 1 p.m., raise your thoughts to Me, ask for My Blessing and at that moment I will give you this Blessing with largesse.
I love you, your name is written here in My Cloak, right where My hands are joined and where I squeeze you to My Heart.
To all, I bless with Love now and upon all I pour out my Graces of Love and PEACE".
(Mary Most Holy after touching the rosaries and pictures): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries, pictures arrive, there I will be alive and with me also my Daughter Leah carrying great Graces from the Lord.
We all bless now and again we give our peace!"