Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite all of you with more love to wear My Medal of Peace and to spread it to My children throughout the world!
Only when all My children wear My Medal of Peace will I be truly known and loved by all My children and truly My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Spread this Medal more lovingly, carry My Messages and do not be afraid, because I am with you and I will mark with many graces the testimony of all of you so that truly My children will believe in Me
Yes, you must take My Word, because the time left for this is very short, the time of Justice is coming. And you My children are still standing and so many of My children still do not know My Love and do not know how to pray the Rosary.
Take My word to them because if not My son will ask you to tell him about all those souls who were lost because you did not want to act, because you did not want to work.
Work tirelessly for the salvation of souls like my little son Marcos, and then, truly my Immaculate Heart will radiate my Flame of Love powerfully to save souls and renew the world.
Open, expand your hearts further into My Flame of Love. I am the Mother of Love! My Heart is the Tabernacle, the Temple of Love! The more you open your hearts to this Love, the more my Flame of Love will communicate powerfully to you and through you to the whole world.
If you desire my Flame of Love with all the Heart I will give it to you and then you will feel the same things that my daughter Filomena, the Saints and my little son Marcos felt.
You will feel your hearts burning with love, with pure love and this love will give you strength to do all that I ask.
When the soul has My flame of love, the Rosary, the Sacrifice, the spreading of My Messages becomes soft, sweet. When the soul does not have My flame of love everything is bitter to it, because its heart is full of another flame: the flame of the world, the flame of pleasures.
Put out the flame of worldly pleasures with My flame of love, praying My Rosary with love, sacrificing yourself with love, doing My will with love and obeying My Messages with Love!
Pray every day this week the Rosary of My flame of Love that My little son Marcos did number 1. So that you may truly be more ardent of my Flame of Love and for the feast of my Immaculate Conception pray the 7th Septena every day until December 8th I have your hearts ardent with love in my presence to receive great graces from my Flame of Love.
Continue praying my Rosary every day, for it I will always give you light, peace, grace, love.
I love you all and I am always close to you all.
I bless you all with love from Lourdes, Montichiari and Jacareí".