Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite all of you to spread even more My Messages of Bonate, My Heart is still bleeding because of Bonate.
Because all the evil done to Me and to My little daughter Adelaide Roncalli in Bonate has not been repaired, the punishment continues to fall in many nations of the world. And they will continue to fall and increase, above all: earthquakes, hurricanes, famines, pestilences, diseases, epidemics until the last and great and formidable Punishment from Heaven.
If you want to avoid the destruction of the Earth and yourselves pray many Rosaries and make reparation to Bonate, making Bonate known to all My children.
Only when all listen to My Messages of Bonate and truly obey these Messages , My Heart will stop bleeding, it will stop suffering.
Keep praying all the prayers I have asked of you Here, above all, the Holy Rosary, because on December 8 great graces will be given to My children who are faithful to the prayer of My Rosary.
Only those who are faithful to the prayer of the Rosary will not lose their faith in the great abomination of desolation that is to come.
To all I bless with love Bonate, Montichiari and Jacareí".
(St. Gerard): "Dear brothers My, I Geraldo rejoice in seeing you here again today.
"Expand your hearts to the Flame of Love of the Mother of God, praying always and more.
Expand your hearts to the Flame of Love of the Mother of God, doing violence to your will, to your nature and to your 'I', for only then will you die to yourself so that you can live and be alone and truly of God and Her.
Make My life known to young people, so that knowing Me they may feel the desire to be saints, to love God that Our Most Holy Queen, who through Me truly wants to enter into the hearts of young people, sanctify them, take them and make them completely of the Lord, completely of the Mother of God.
Pray my Rosary, make it known to all so that all may truly turn to me and receive great graces.
Meditate always on the book Imitation of Christ, which was one of my favorite books, with it I learned to be a saint, I learned to die to myself and to live so only for God. Those who read it and truly practice it will soon grow in great holiness.
Pray the Rosary, because a Rosary is worth much more than a thousand exhortations. Pray the Rosary for the conversion of sinners. Pray the Rosary for your own conversion and sanctification and you will see how you will advance along the path of grace and holiness.
Pray a lot because Divine Justice is continually angry and inflamed against this world which becomes worse every day.
Yes, humanity has truly become a new Sodom, a new Gomorrah, indeed the inhabitants of that time were not as guilty as the men of this generation.
Therefore, much greater must be the reparation and prayer to placate Divine Justice, otherwise the Punishment of this generation will be tremendous, tremendous.
I tremble just thinking about this Great Punishment, tremble too and pray a lot so that truly the prayers of all can placate the Wrath of the Lord.
To all I now bless with love Muro Lucano, Materdomini and Jacareí".
(St. Lucy): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, again I come from Heaven to tell you I love you always, I love you more every day.
Continue praying my Rosary, for through them I can give you many graces. On my day, December 13th, I will bring down great graces on all those who pray it with great love and fervor always during the year.
Dilate your hearts to God's love, to the Flame of Love of the Mother of God for more prayers, more sacrifices. So that truly this burning Flame may come down upon you and transform you into the great apostles that the Mother of God asked here.
Quickly spread the Messages of the Mother of God in Ezquioga and also in La Codosera. Because this was not done in the past, Spain, Europe and the whole world fell into the great Apostasy, only the Messages of the Mother of God with the Rosary can save the world.
And that is why the Meditated Rosaries that Our beloved Marcos makes Here are so pleasing to God, so pleasing to Our Holy Queen and so pleasing to Us, the Saints in Heaven. Because it is the prayer of the Rosary, the Angelic Greeting united to the Messages of the Mother of God that can turn even the stones into the greatest Saints.
Spread these Rosaries, spread also the videos of the Apparitions that Our Most Beloved Marcos made Here, this is the last hope of salvation of humanity, it is also the last hope of the Mother of God that humanity can convert and be saved from the Great Punishment.
Dedicate yourselves to this, for nothing is more important than this now, this is more important than the body, than food, than goods, than everything! It is the soul, the salvation of the soul, the salvation or the loss of many souls.
And Our Lord will ask you to account for these souls who have not been saved, who have been lost, if you do not make all this known to them. Therefore, dedicate yourselves completely body and soul to this holy task and in Heaven you will have a great reward, a beautiful crown.
I, Luzia, love you all and I pray for you all, I bless you with love from Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".