Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite you all to look more to Heaven, to desire Heaven more and to gather a great treasure for yourselves in Heaven.
Gather a treasure in Heaven with good works of love every day, doing everything with love and for love of Jesus and me with prayers of love, praying with the heart and trying to do everything with true love in your hearts.
Ask ever more for My flame of love, so that whatever you do may be full of love and be the fruit of true love.
May your prayers not be cold, but ardent with My Flame of Love, for only ardent prayer is that which is pleasing to God and which reaches God's Mercy. The more ardent the prayer, the greater will be the grace that God will shower on you and in your life.
Religious should do everything for God only for love of Jesus and me and never place their "I" and their will in the midst of works.
The laity to whom it is more difficult to do this, I ask you to make an effort to do everything for God alone and aiming only at God who is the end of every man's life.
Prepare yourselves ever more, My children, for your departure from this land, because all men will die. Death is a consequence of original sin and one day you too will leave this world.
Life is short, prepare yourselves, because with good works you know neither the day nor the hour that my son will call you.
So if you are prepared when My Son calls you, you will feel joy and not fear.
To all I bless you now with love and ask: Continue praying My Rosary every day.
I bless you all with love from La Salette, Montichiari and Jacareí.
(Saint Lucy): "Dear brothers, I, Lucy, come from Heaven today to invite you; raise your eyes to Heaven, live only for Heaven, do everything for Heaven and may Heaven be the only desire and yearning of your hearts.
Do as We all Saints did: Pray for paradise! Especially you who have known the Messages of the Mother of God here and through her have been chosen to be here.
Predict the Paradise that preferred you! Choose Heaven, which chose you! Love Heaven, who has loved you!
Raise your eyes to Heaven, especially in these times of great apostasy in which human beings have become beasts, materialistic and angry beasts who see nothing more than food, drink, material goods and pleasures.
Raise your eyes to Heaven and help everyone to raise their eyes to Heaven too, to see how great the love of God is, how great and beautiful the light of God's eternal truth is. So that all men may seek salvation and one day reach it in Heaven.
Lift up your eyes to Heaven and lift up the eyes of others to Heaven too, spreading to all the Messages of the Mother of God and teaching everyone to pray the Rosary and the prayers She has given you Here, for through these prayers you will lift up your eyes to Heaven and then all will desire Heaven, seek Heaven and seek Heaven forever leaving the works of sin and eternal death.
And then it will be the Triumph of the Mother of God in all hearts.
Continue praying my Rosary every week.
To all I bless with love from Catania, Syracuse and Jacari".
(St. Gerard): "Dear brothers and sisters, I, Gerard, rejoice today to come once again from Heaven to bless you and also to say to you: Give your life to the Lord who gave His life for all of you on the Cross.
Give your life to Jesus. Give your life to Eternal Life, which is God. Give your life to the Lord and He will also give you new and true life, His true life, the true life in God!
I gave my life totally to Him, who is eternal life and because of this I live eternally with Him in the glory of Heaven. In the eyes of the world everyone thought that I was throwing My life away, that I was losing My life.
And indeed I was, but by losing My life according to the world I earned My life for Heaven, for eternal life! And today I am eternally happy with God and with my Most Holy Queen in Heaven.
If you also give your lives to God and the Mother of God, living according to their wishes and orders, living according to His commandments, living according to His Love you too will gain eternal life.
Don't mind those who criticize you because you pray, because you live according to the desire of God and the Mother of God, because they speak through the mouth of the devil. The one who speaks to you through them is the devil.
When you hear what they say, quickly close your hearts and your minds to what the demon said by praying the Rosary. The Rosary will be your strength, the Rosary will be your fortress.
And follow joyful, courageous and fearless on the path of conversion, prayer and salvation that the Mother of God gave you and called you here. Everything, whatever you ask for through the Rosary and Fasting, you will obtain.
With the Rosary combined with Fasting you will obtain immense miracles, you will obtain the conversion of many, many souls. You will even be able to stop the punishments and scourges that the world deserves for its sins.
Continue fasting on Tuesdays and Saturdays, praying the Rosary every day and praying My Rosary every week. Through it I will give great thanks to you.
Spread my Rosary and the Rosary of Lucy number 3 because the Messages they contain have not yet been sufficiently spread, do this and you will give great joy to my Heart.
I love you very much and together with Luzia and Our Holy Queen I always protect you.
I bless you all with love from Muro Lucano, Materdomini and Jacareí.