Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My children, today I am calling you to grow, to grow more and more in holiness, so that you can occupy one of those beautiful abodes that my son Jesus prepares for those who sanctify themselves, who love him in heaven.
Prepare yourselves because the time is running out and soon My son Jesus will return to you on the clouds of Heaven in glory. Suddenly when people look at My Son Jesus will return and end the career of sin that everyone in this world has taken on.
I have appeared in many places in the world, but they are empty and no one cares about anything. That is why My son Jesus will come and will apply a terrible justice, because humanity was warned by Me thousands of times to convert, to return to God and not to obey.
Yes, the hour of Justice will sound, and then it will be I who will laugh, and no longer sinners, who now laugh at My Messages. If you My children do not want to cry in the hour of the whip of divine justice, convert yourselves, change your lives now that it is a time of mercy.
I have given thousands and thousands of Messages here, but no one reads them, no one listens to them, no one meditates on them, they were fallen words in an immense desert. At least you children who still have a little light in your heart and soul, meditate on My Messages, because in the time of Punishment you will want to hear My Messages, but no, you can no longer.
So record My Messages in your hearts now, so that truly at that time of Punishment you may know what to do. And so, always have the light illuminating your souls and your hearts.
Spread My Message of Bonate more, there were few who obeyed the Message I gave months ago, and who endeavored to spread My Appearance to the world. Spread More My Appearances on Bonate and make everyone obey what I asked through My little daughter Adelaide.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, because there is no better prayer, nor more powerful than that of My Rosary which has the Angelic greeting, which was the beginning of the salvation of the world.
To all I bless with love Bonate, Montichiari and Jacareí".
(St. Lucy of Syracuse): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucy, come again today from heaven to ask you: Grow in holiness, be truly flames of love burning with God and the Mother of God praying ever more.
When I say praying more and more, it is not only an increase in prayers, but also an increase in the desire of your hearts, the thirst for God in your hearts. It is also an increase in the intensity of the love with which you pray.
To pray more and more intensely in the first place it is necessary to gradually give more space to prayer in your lives. It is also necessary to detach oneself from everything that hinders prayer, from everything that diverts the focus of your prayer, your thoughts during prayer.
It is also necessary to renounce some pleasure every day, so that your souls are not heavy and trapped, enslaved to the things and pleasures of the world when you go to pray. In this way, your souls will ascend more easily and faster in contemplation, in union with God and with Our Most Holy Queen. Finally, it is also necessary in prayer to resolve the next day to pray better, to pray more.
And above all, move away from worldly things that can weaken your souls in prayer, make your souls slaves to the devil, to sin and to pleasures. So that in this way your prayer may be more intense, more ardent and stronger every day.
For those who are bound to some sin who cannot free themselves I recommend the Rosary, because the Rosary is the most powerful of all prayers and will save even the soul that is blackened by the greatest sin in the world.
Pray the Rosary, experience and you will see how in the end the triumph will be of the Mother of God in your souls and your lives.
To all I bless with love Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".
Beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus, I, Luzia, bless you today with love and I say to you: Come closer to Me, throw yourself into My arms more every day and you will see how I too will take care of you with love, with affection and will not allow any evil to come near you.
Every day I offer my merits before the Lord and the Mother of God for you and I have always obtained graces and favors for you. Don't be afraid of anything, for I am at your side, the hellish serpent hates you and therefore causes you many, many sufferings, tribulations.
But, I am at your side, I cover you with my mantle and I will always protect you, I will never leave you alone and I will crush that serpent's head soon, so that you can truly run fast, advance swiftly on the path to holiness with nothing that embarrasses your feet.
Trust in Me, in the right time of the Lord, in the hour of grace you will be surprised with many graces, blessings and even miracles from My hands. I have continually offered the merits of my life and my martyrdom for you and I will soon prepare for you a new and resounding grace.
I bless you with love now and give you my peace".
(St. Gerard): "Dear brothers, I, Gerard, come again from Heaven to say to you: Be jasmine of love to the Mother of God. Give her every day the sweet perfume of your love and of your prayer made ever more lovingly.
Imitate me always seeking a place reserved for me there in silence and sweet intimacy with her, growing more and more in union with her through deep and intense prayer.
Renounce all thoughts and all things that during prayer want to divert the focus of your prayer and your attention from Her. Meditate on her Messages with love, and above all, each day try to renounce something that takes you away from her, something mundane that wants to take you away from her or take you away from her.
Be jasmine of love to Her praying with more and more love your Rosary, imitate Me in the burning love of the Rosary, the Rosary that I prayed with love every day.
Ah, My Rosary! He was the fuel and nourishment of my flame of love for God and the Mother of God every day.
My Rosary was, always was my Heaven on earth, He was my strength, He was my refuge and my protection in all the temptations that were not lacking in my life.
How many times did hell want to make me discouraged, either by the difficulties I put in my path or also by the temptations I always presented to make me leave the service of God, the Mother of God and return to the world.
I won everything with my Rosary, I won my 'I' with the flesh, I won the devil and the world with the prayer of my Rosary, which could do much more than any other mortification or penance that I did in my life.
Yes, when I prayed the Rosary I felt that My forces were multiplying a hundredfold within Me, that the Flame of Love of the Mother of God within Me was growing enormously. And then everything became easy for Me, the other prayers, the duties of the rule of My Religious Order also penances, sacrifices, charity. Finally, everything I had to do no matter how hard it was, if it made Me sweet and gentle, easy because the Rosary gave Me strength and the power to do everything with love.
If you also want to win in life, that is, to overcome the world, the devil, the flesh. And if you truly want to be saints love the Rosary, pray it without ceasing and you will truly overcome everything as I do.
And you will be jasmines of love for the Mother of God who will give her every day the heavenly perfume of love, which she wants to find in all of you here, whom she has called to be mystical flowers of her heavenly and motherly garden.
I, Geraldo, love you very much and I am always close to you and never abandon you, always pray my Rosary and I will shower great graces on you.
Be converted without delay, for time is up and soon the laughter of sinners will be exchanged for the gnashing of their teeth when the whip of Divine Justice suddenly strikes them.
To all, I bless with love from Muro Lucano, Materdomini and Jacareí".