Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes, I will. Yes, I have done two as the Lady asked me to, with the Messages the Lady gave to Mother Elena Leonardi. It wasn't easy to translate that, but I did it and I made two and they were very good.
And how many more do you want? Yes, I will.
I will try to finish it before the end of the month.
Yes, I will. I know which chapter it is, I will."
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you all to grow in true love and intimacy with the Father in prayer.
He only reveals His secrets of love to His children and closest friends in order to grow in this intimacy with the Father. Desire is the first step, you must also renounce your will, your opinion and ways of thinking.
For otherwise, your mind cannot be completely blank for the Father to imprint upon it His Will, His Law of Love, and also His Truth!
The heart must also be free from worldly affections, from the disordered affections of creatures, otherwise the heart cannot be empty so that the Father can fill it with His Love, His Grace, His Peace. And at the same time with the light of His infinite truth that fills the heart with life, grace and joy.
So that you may grow in this true intimacy with the Father, you must purify your mind and heart first, and then grow in this intimacy. Then you must seek the Father just as a thirsty man seeks water in the desert, seek it without rest, seek it with perseverance in deep prayer of the heart.
There is the oasis where God wants to meet you and there embrace you and fill you with His Divine Love. Seek Him and you will find Him, He will then embrace you, He will kiss you and the Father will reveal His secrets, His deepest feelings of the heart.
And then you and He will be one in the Flame of Love, one heart and the feelings of the Father will be those of the son and the son will be those of the Father too. And then, the two in a communion of Love will live and that Love will then radiate and renew the face of the Earth.
I invite you to return to the origins, to the sources of prayer, of conversion. Next year you will celebrate 300 years of the meeting of My Image, the image of My Immaculate Conception in the waters of the Paraíba River.
It is three centuries of my heart's love for my children, but on the part of many of them it is not three centuries of love. Many have loved Me and done much for Me, but many have not loved Me and still do not.
How many seek Me only when they need something by showing an ugly and interesting love. I seek true love, the love of children who struggle with Me for the salvation of the world, of children who obey My Messages, of children who work to make My Messages known without wanting anything in return. except My love.
A love similar to that of My little son Marcos, who made Me his everything, his treasure and who has served Me for 25 years, for 25 years has obeyed Me, for 25 years has made Me known day and night by his work, by his prayers, by his always continuous apostolate, and desires nothing more than to love Me, to love Me and to love Me infinitely.
Oh, how I desire children like that! As I desire children who love Me selflessly, it is logical that I give thanks for the lives of those who serve Me. And it is logical that I will reward with eternal life those who love Me and make Me known, as the Holy Spirit Himself said of Me in Holy Scripture.
But how beautiful is the love of My children who seek Me and who serve Me so alone and for love only. How I want this love, how I seek this love and how rare it is to find this love in humanity so ungrateful, interested and hard of heart.
Hurry up your conversion, because the Father is truly very angry with the sins of the world, he can no longer bear to see so many crimes, so many injustices, abortions, sins, blasphemies, sacrileges and evils everywhere.
This is why He will allow the tornadoes, the floods, the earthquakes that are already being seen and felt everywhere to increase, He will allow new droughts, new famines, He will allow new pestilences until the last punishment that will be tremendous and formidable. tremendous and formidable!
These will be Warnings from the Father, so that humanity will be converted and so that everyone will know that He is not dead, that He exists and that one day everyone will have to give an account of their souls and the souls of others too, who have led the wrong way.
That's why My children, I tell you: Pray the Rosary, pray the Holy Hours that I gave you, because these will be your only salvation, the only chance.
One day you will thank Me for these Holy Hours that I have given you. One day you will praise the moment when I gave you these treasures, they will be the only salvation. So my children, pray these prayers, pray these prayers with love every day, because where these prayers are prayed there will be My protection and will not reach these places the Wrath of God the Father.
God the Father is a very good and merciful Father, but He is also a severe Judge and if it will be terrible to fall into the hands of My Son, much worse will it be to fall into the hands of the Father. So pray, pray and pray because My children, time is pressing and you remain paralyzed in the same place without advancing anything in conversion and holiness.
Be converted because my Heart can no longer bear the great pain and sadness that I feel when I see humanity being ruthlessly destroyed by Satan, helped by all who do not pray. As I see the Church being destroyed by its own shepherds, the Blood of My Son trampled underfoot, His Word belittled, and His honor and glory trampled underfoot.
Be converted, be converted and pray My Rosary which is a sure means of salvation.
To all I bless with love and especially to you My beloved son Marcos, who for so many years has served me with obedience and love, has worked to make Me known and loved by all My children.
Those who love Me will have eternal life, those who make Me known will live forever and will not perish.
Yes, My son, for 25 years you have made Me better known and loved by all My children, so you will have eternal life, you will have a beautiful crown of glory in Heaven, you will have Me who am your treasure and your eternal inheritance.
And blessed are those who follow you, imitate you, and also help you to make Me known and loved, because to them too I will give eternal salvation, I will give eternal life.
To you also, my beloved and most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, who has worked so hard for me, today I say: Thank you, thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for making Me known and loved, thank you for bringing My children to My Heart.
Tomorrow is the day I give you a special Message, but today I want to say to you: Thank you son, I am very happy with you, proud of you and soon together with Luzia I will give you a great delight, I will give you new graces and I will really transform your life into a sea of blessings and copious graces from my Immaculate Heart.
To you, to my son Marcos, my treasure on earth and the delight of my heart and to my children all who obey and love me, I bless Fatima, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy after touching the paintings): "Dear children, as I have already said, wherever one of these paintings arrives, there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord.
These paintings such as the scapulars will be like the blood of the lamb at the door of the Israelites, wherever these paintings are the Punishment of the wrath of God will not reach that house, nor its inhabitants in the times of Punishment, especially in the three days of darkness.
And now all those who have these paintings touched by Me, by Saint Raphael and Saint Manuel will have the protection of the three of us during all the days of their lives.
I will pour out the abundance of My maternal graces on all those who have these paintings with love and respect and pray before them.
To all I bless and leave now My Peace, good night".