Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Message of Saint Irene

(St. Irene): Dear Brothers, I, Irene, rejoice today to come to the Feast of All Saints to bless you and say: Be saints!
Be holy as your Father in heaven is holy. Be pure by turning away from all that stains the purity and innocence of your soul.
Be humble and meek so that you may truly possess the Kingdom of Heaven, possess the earth that God prepares for you, that will come with the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Be good as the Father in Heaven is good, doing good works, holy works, that truly show the virtue of goodness in you, so that you may be truly children of God.
Blessed are those who are pure and who turn away from all worldly things that stain the purity of soul and heart.
Blessed are those who are truly meek, who seek peace and seek to plant peace by spreading the Messages of the Mother of God, because they will not only possess Heaven but also the Earth.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for the Truth, the Lord, the Mother of God, His words, His messages. For great will be their reward in the Kingdom of Heaven, as great was mine, that I was persecuted for Christ's sake, that I was martyred for Christ's sake. And by not denying My faith I have inherited a great crown of glory in Heaven.
Today, on All Saints' Day, I invite you to be blessed, to be saints. Living a holy life far from all worldly things, which draw you away from God, from the Mother of God, which weaken your prayer life, which weaken the life of inner grace, of sanctifying grace in your hearts.
Persevere in the prayer of the Holy Rosary, continue on the path of prayer and holiness, do not look at this world that has its days already numbered. Always look at the Woman dressed in the Sun, the Mother of God, pray the Rosary, live her messages and then you will truly inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
Look at the life of the Saints, meditate on the life of the Saints, in Our life there are contained for you the great graces and lights that you need to reach the Kingdom of Heaven.
From this blessed and sacred place that I love with all my Heart I bless you all now with Love".
(Marcos): "Dear Saint Irene, I ask you today, may you have the goodness to bless and touch especially this rosary that my father Carlos Thaddeus asked me to present to you?
See you soon."