Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Daily Live Webtv Webcasts

(Marcos): "May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! Yes. Yes."
"Dear brothers, I, Valeria, rejoice in coming to give you My second Message. I shed my Blood for the Lord and for the Mother of God, I gave my life in sacrifice, in defense of the Holy Catholic Faith giving everything for everything, love for love and life for life.
Life for life, just as the Lord gave and gave all His life for love to you, you must also give all your life to the Lord by putting Him first in your lives, doing everything to obey His commandments, doing everything not to dislike Him with sin having thus the true and holy fear of God, this way your life will truly be a perfect hymn of love for the Lord and then God will be pleased with you and will pour His grace and His Mercy into your hearts.
Life by life, give all your life to the Lord obeying the Messages that the Mother of God and We Saints of the Heavenly Court give you here. Give your whole life to God so that He may truly realize in your hearts: His grace, His love and His Mercy and then God will rejoice with you and give you His peace.
Obey the Messages that Heaven Here gives you with all your heart and your love, because by doing so you will truly take from the throne of your hearts all the enemies, all the human attachments, all the sins and all the vices that in your souls and hearts have taken the place of God, and then, He again will be the true and only King of your hearts.
I, Valeria, am at your side and I will help you to be more and more holy and to give your whole life to the Lord with love and faithfulness. Renounce your will, it is the greatest enemy of your sanctification and the one that prevents your souls from truly ascending as fast as I do to the Holy Mountain of perfection.
Continue with all the prayers you have been told to say Here. Through them your souls will be much holier and have the great inner strength to say no, to renounce yourselves and your will and put God, Mary Most Holy, and His apparitions here in the first place in your lives.
At this moment I bless you all with love and with all my Heart. I bless all those who are listening to Me now, all those who are present here and especially you Marcos, the most striving of the children of the Mother of God and the most beloved and dearest of all of us Saints in Heaven".
(Marcos): "Yes beloved Saint Valeria thank you. Yes, thank you, see you soon. See you soon, dear Mother in Heaven".