Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Daily Live Webtv Webcasts

(Marcos): Yes. Yes.
"Dear brothers and sisters, today, on this night I bless you with all my love and I say to you: Be true flames of love for the Mother of God by praying the Holy Rosary every day with true devotion, with a true desire to please her Immaculate Heart and to make her more and more loved and more served by the Prayer of the Holy Rosary.
If you are true flames of love for the Mother of God, you will spread the fire of true love towards her to this world. And this flame, this fire of love will spread from heart to heart transforming all souls into so many other flames of love until this world becomes a fiery furnace of love.
I, Geraldo Majella, want to help you to transform yourself into this flame of love as I have been, if you come to me, if you let yourself be guided and led by me, then I myself will transmit to you the flame of love that I always had in my heart for the Blessed Mother of God and that burned in me night and day like a living fire. And this living fire will also burn in you leading you to accomplish great things for her and in her honor.
I, Geraldo, am with you and I will take your hands to help you pray the Holy Rosary more and more lovingly until your souls are transformed into living flames of love.
I bless you all at this moment and especially you Marcos, I also bless in a very special way all those who with you tonight have fought so hard so that this My Apparition and this My Message could be seen by all souls around the world. I bless you with love and I say to you: you have earned many merits in Heaven. Continue to fight so that the Messages of the Sacred Hearts, so that the Messages that we from Heaven give you here may reach all hearts, because in these Messages is the salvation of all humanity.
I bless you all at this moment with Love".
(Marcos): "See you soon dear Mother in Heaven. See you soon beloved St. Gerard".