Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Daily Live Webtv Webcast Transmission
Message from Our Lady

(Marcos): Yes.
"My beloved children, today I bless you again and give you My Peace.
On this holy night of so many blessings to you, I call you again to be little daisies of simplicity and love.
Be little daisies of simplicity and love, seeking to live ever more in God's love, seeking to live ever more separated from the vain things of this world that take you away from God, that lead you to sin and that occupy your heart with so many things that take God's place, that suffocate the grace of the Holy Spirit in you, thus making you empty, cold and arid.
Being daisies of simplicity and love your souls will truly please God, seek the heavenly things, truly cherish the heavenly things that are truly of eternal value. And so your souls will sanctify the time of your life here on earth by doing good works for the greater glory of God, the Most Holy Trinity and the good of your souls and the souls of the whole world.
Be daisies of simplicity and love, living a life of deep prayer, seeking each day to make your prayer more alive, more intense, deeper, more ardent, opening your hearts to God and truly responding to Him 'yes', fulfilling His will and His Plan of Love upon all of you. In this way, the Lord's Plan will be fulfilled in your lives, all the obstacles that have hitherto prevented you from walking well on the road to holiness will fall to the ground, all the bonds and chains that bind you to sin will be broken, and your souls will run swiftly and quickly toward the great holiness that God wants from you and the crown of eternal life that God is preparing for you.
Imitate My Virtues. Imitating Me you will be true daisies of simplicity and love, and thus the perfume and charm of your simplicity and at the same time of your beauty will attract the eyes of the Most High to you, He will delight in you, bless you and fulfill His divine will in you, transforming you into a wonderful and splendorous work of spiritual perfection and holiness.
Continue praying all the prayers I have given you Here, all the Holy Hours, all the Rosary, the Rosary of My Tears, as well as the Rosary of My Triumph and the Rosaries dedicated to the Saints, because through them I will transform you more and more every day into perfect daisies of simplicity and love.
To all of you at this moment I affectionately and generously bless all My children who now listen to Me, open their hearts to Me, let Me into their homes, into their families, into their souls, to all of you who are here and especially to you Marcos, the most hard-working and dedicated of My children, who even today do not feel totally healthy, yet have come here to serve Me and give Me more proof of your great love. To you and to all My children who love Me, who listen to Me, who serve Me and who give Me the daisies of their hearts, to all I now bless Pellevoisin, La Salette and Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, put God and My apparitions first in your lives and God's grace will also put you first when you need it".