Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Message from Santa Olimpia

Marcos: O beautiful princess of Heaven, who are you?
"Dear Brothers My, I, OLYMPIA, Servant of the Lord, Mother of God, Spirit of the Lord, come now once again to bless you and to give you Peace.
I say 'once again' even though this is My first Message Here, because Here I am continually to give the blessing every day to those who come devoutly to pray in this place.
I love you so much! And I want to call you the true conversion of heart that pleases the Lord, that attracts his benevolence to you and makes you truly heirs to the Lord.
You want to be heirs of the Lord, heirs of Heaven, but you want to keep sin within you. So the only thing you will inherit as you leave this world is eternal fire. Therefore, CONVERT YOU SINCELLY! That after your life you may receive the crown of eternal life and inherit that heavenly kingdom where I and all the Saints of the Lord sing His glory and bless His Name.
Therefore I tell you: truly convert your hearts by renouncing your evil deeds, your violence. Making war on your defects and miseries, so that every day your soul may become more beautiful, more pure, more luminous and more full of love to please the Lord and the Mother of God.
Truly convert your hearts, renouncing all that in your journey opposes the will of the Lord and his law of love. So that in this way, without embarrassment or delay, you may be able to fulfill that will in your life.
Truly convert your hearts, living a life of intense, profound prayer, meditating continually on the words that come to you from heaven and also those that have been sent to you by the Lord for millennia and that are in Sacred Scripture; so that in this way, you, every day, growing more and more in the knowledge and wisdom of God, may also grow more in the love for the Lord that you can only know through his word, prayer and meditation.
I Olympia am always with you. In your needs I defend and protect you. How many of Satan's insidies have I set you free from, and you did not even know it. I loved you first, and before you loved me, you knew me and could ask me for help. This proves to you how much I love you and how much I want to help you get to heaven.
Here, in this blessed place of the Apparitions, where all Heaven is present and where Divine Mercy is poured out like never before on the face of the earth, I come today to tell you: Love is not loved! This great love that here has shed so many mercies, so many graces, that here has given so much to you, is not loved enough by you. So open your hearts! Correspond more to this love that has chosen you so that from all your life, the incense of true love will rise up to the Lord every day, which is the only thing that can placate His justice, His wrath against you!
I, Olimpia, will take the hands of all those who give themselves to Me and let themselves be guided by Me on the path of holiness. Together with all the other Saints, I want to lead you along this road that is full of stones and thorns, embers and sufferings, but which is the royal road that leads to Heaven. And at the end of it, you will find a wonderful heavenly garden waiting for you to recreate and rejoice for all eternity.
Run away from the path of the enemy who is sown with many roses of pleasures, facilities and benefits in this life. But within each rose is the number of the recorded enemy: number 666. And all those who go along this path of roses, have his mark on their souls and his name is already scratched in the book of life.
Dear Brothers, Life passes briefly! Do not let the grace that now passes through you pass by, without you embracing it and being able to draw from it, drawing the holy benefit that the Lord expects and desires from all of you. At this moment I bless you all with love and say: Pray. Pray, pray.
Peace! Peace to you Marcos, the most hard-working and dearest of my friends and the brothers of the Saints in Heaven!"