Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas of Lord Jesus
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, today I come with the King of Peace in My arms to bless you and to say to you again: Prepare yourselves because this same JESUS that you see in My arms today, little one in the Crib of Bethlehem, will soon return to you as Judge and Supreme King of all things.
He will return to you and the world will not be prepared to receive him, he will return to you and the world will rebel against him, he will return to you and with him will bring the fire that will consume everything and everyone who opposed him and did not want to live under his Law of Love.
Jesus will return to you in all the splendor of His Glorious Body, with His Wounds more glittering than a thousand you are together and to one gesture of His Arm the undesirable, the reprobate, the rebellious, those who do not submit to Him, Those who do not submit to His Commandments and who today cherish His Holy Name on their feet, will all be thrown with Satan and his angels in one moment into the infernal flames where they will burn for centuries without ever having a single drop or minute of relief.
Jesus will return to you in all the splendor of His Glory and all those who mock Him, who despise Him even those who crucified Him, and will hear from Him that terrible final sentence: Go cursed into the eternal fire that is prepared for the devil and his angels. And at the same time He will say to all those who obeyed His Law of Love, to the Saints, who were despised because of His Name, who were persecuted because of His Name, who were humiliated and trampled underfoot because of His Name, the Truth and the Good, these will hear from Him that wonderful sentence: Come blessed for the kingdom of My Father which has been prepared for you since the creation of the world! And then, great will be the joy among the saints, great will be the joy among the righteous.
Jesus will come back to you in glory, in all the splendor of His Glorious Body, and those who today mock Our Messages will grind their teeth, pluck the hair from their heads, look for the cliffs to throw themselves at, say to the hills and to the hills: Cover us! And to the mountains they will say: Fall on us! They will throw themselves into the fire begging the fire to burn them and consume them, and death, which on the one hand would be their relief, in fact would only be the beginning of torments much greater in eternity.
Therefore prepare yourselves for the return of the Lord who returns to you in glory, because now is the day of Mercy, now is the propitious time for your conversion. The Lord sent me to so many nations on earth, to so many countries and places to prepare the way for his return and together with me the Lord has placed at your disposal all the graces to become holy and immaculate in his eyes. If you now despise grace, if you now refuse what the Lord offers you, then for your final impenitence there will be nothing left but the punishment of all those who have committed the sin against the Holy Spirit of final impenitence, eternal fire in the company of demons and their dragons.
The sin of this humanity for not having heeded My Message of Fatima, for not having obeyed all the Messages I have given you from Paris, La Salette, Lourdes, Pontmain until you arrived here in Jacareí, is a sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance. And behold, vengeance is at your doors and all will be punished from the representatives of the Church to the least of the people because all at one voice repelled Me, rejected Me and treated Me with harshness, ingratitude and fury fighting so many times against Me and making My Name disappear in many places where I appeared and in others leaving Me completely abandoned and alone.
That is why the arm of My Son will fall upon all mankind and when He weighs upon the world Whole nations will be shattered, swallowed up by the oceans, swallowed up by fire and many more will simply be disintegrated by the great fire that will fall from Heaven and consume whole regions of the face of the Earth.
Therefore I ask you My children, convert while there is still time, listen to the living call of the Mother of the Lord who comes once again to tell you: Convert, prepare the way of the Lord because the King of Heaven and Earth already appears over the mountains, already appears on the horizon and you who are His heralds and His messengers have the mission to prepare the way for His return, to smooth the road for His glorious and eminent return. Now is no longer the time for hobbies and vain things, truly dedicate yourself to this holy task that will earn you a reward, an immortal reward in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Therefore, spread My Messages. Divulge My Hours of Prayer, My Meditated Rosary that My Marcos made and gave to you where My Messages of the whole world are recorded, because this Rosary besides making My Messages known and obeyed by My children, still draws from Me the swords of pain that the world has stuck in My Heart for having disobeyed or dropped in oblivion these Messages. Now My children, it is time for the great battle, prepare yourselves to truly fight the last battle.
I am with you, I walk by your side and I never leave you alone. Today I bless you with the King of Peace by showering upon you the efficacious graces of Our Sacred Hearts United and also giving you today an abundant outpouring of the love of the Holy Spirit upon you".