Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Message from Our Lady

My dear children, today I call you once again to listen to the call of Eternal Love which from the top of heaven invites you to the Road of Holiness.
You are called to great holiness by the Lord and also by Me, but no one can be a saint attached to sin, so I invite you before the coming of My son Jesus to sincerely repent with all your heart and change your life so that your life may be completely new and completely conformed to the Will of My Son Jesus.
This is what I asked in Montichiari showing my little daughter Pierina Gilli with the golden yellow rose that I bring over my Heart, not only prayer is enough, not only sacrifice, but also penance, that is, sincere repentance of sins and change of life. Without this your prayer will not take you far, so change your lives completely so that my son Jesus can be born in your hearts truly on Christmas Day.
Open your hearts to Love, God expects great things from you, I expect from you a great love, a great holiness, do not limit yourself to the ordinary of mortals, but love Jesus without limits, seek to love Him with all the strength of your heart, with all your soul, with all your being seeking to please Him and do His Will in the best way possible.
Renounce laziness, renounce languor, renounce envy, renounce pride, renounce falsehood of heart, because those who have all this will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Be good, be perfect, as Jesus is perfect, as I am perfect, and as the saints after struggling hard all their lives became perfect and saints. The battle of the Saints to reach perfection, to reach holiness was hard, it was immensely difficult, but the love they had in their hearts for God and also for the salvation of souls made them renounce everything, for love of my son Jesus and give everything for everything, that is, give their whole life, put all their efforts, consume all their strength for everything, for my son Jesus, to love Him, to please Him, to please and to correspond to His Will over them.
May this also be your life, may this be your yearning, may this be your only ideal, so that in this way you too may walk, follow and grow on the path of true holiness.
I wish that here many flowers of holiness grow, but this will not be possible if you do not surrender yourselves docilely in My Hands and renounce your plans to accept My. There are many souls who do not renounce their will to want Mine, and there are also many who say they want My will but in their own way, not as I want it. In this way you will never be holy, you will never enter Heaven, so if you want to save your souls do all this: surrender yourselves to My Hands, leave your will aside, accept Mine as My daughters Barbara, Lucia, Bakita, My sons Geraldo, Luiz Maria Grignion de Montfort, Afonso de Ligório, Ambrose and all My sons did, and then, I will lead you on the road of TRUE SANTITY.
What the world needs most in this hour is true saints who with the example of their lives, with their words, their prayers and their true and ardent love for God help to illuminate the face of the Earth and banish Satan's darkness from all the world, from all nations, from all souls.
Rise up soldiers of Christ! Rise up soldiers of my Immaculate Heart! Arise and walk swiftly toward holiness! May the ROSARY in your Hands always be the most powerful weapon of which you will wisely use in order to reach spiritual depth and true holiness in your souls.
Continue to say all the prayers that I have given you Here, because through them I want every day to sculpt in your souls the perfect Image of my Immaculate Heart: pure, without stain, full of love, completely consecrated to the Lord. Only in this way will you please the Father in Heaven and be recognized by Him as His true children.
Hurry up your conversion! I do not want conversions for fear of punishment, but I tell you: the time is near and you are still paralyzed in the same weaknesses, in the same miseries, in the same mistakes that have repeatedly been made.
This Christmas and the new year that is born, truly convert, employ, undertake a true search for the Lord, a true search for His Will, undertake a new, decisive and constant journey towards the Lord. May your life from now on no longer be the same and may you finally take the true path of conversion that leads to God.
In this place where I am perfectly loved, glorified and served by My little son Marcos, by My slaves of love who are here at My feet and by so many of My children who have given Me their yes and seek to follow Me along the path I have pointed out to them. Every day, Here, I find My blessing, Here, You find My liking, although there are still some hearts that wound Me, that hurt Me because they do not want to give Me their yes. To these children again today I say: Leave yourselves and your will, accept Mine, and you will see what wonderful works of holiness I will perform in all of you from now on.
Be converted! The time of God's Justice will soon sound, and when the trumpets of the Angels of Justice sound the whole earth will shake, whole families will be buried, and whole families will be swallowed up and disappear into the abysses of the earth filled with fire from which they will never return, because they rejected Christ and His Gospel, because they despised the Law of the Lord, and because they despised Me, His Mother, who came to earth so many times in My Apparitions with My Messages of Pain and Love to save everyone.
Already at that hour there will be no more remedy, no more chance of appeal and I myself will be deaf to the cries of all those who despised Me while I visited the earth with My apparitions and who even though they might not want to hear My calls.
The time is brief My children, soon you will be caught up in the air with the Angels and this world to which you now love so much and to which you cling with all your strength will have passed and will no longer exist and in the new Heaven and the new Earth that will come you will be like the Angels and you will sing with Me and the Saints, with the Martyrs and the Confessors eternally the praises of the Lord. Everything will be new, every tear will be wiped away, new Heavens and new Earth will be unveiled before you. Violence, sin, wickedness, the river, the vomit of the infernal serpent will be precipitated together with it into the eternal abysses, and the Lord, my Son Jesus Christ will again be served, adored, loved and glorified by all men and by his side, I will be crowned triumphant with My feet as the footstool of the infernal serpent and keeping at My side in supreme glory My children who loved Me, obeyed Me and preferred Me before themselves, preferred My Will before their own.
Therefore My children, go forward! Pray much! Without prayer your soul will die in a short time, for prayer is the oxygen of your souls. Stop praying and your souls will die promptly. Pray a lot and your soul will be filled with good oxygen, the grace of God and the Holy Spirit and light and soft, strong and full of spiritual health it will run with a quick and quick step towards the Lord who comes.
To all of you, at this moment I generously bless LA SALETTE, MARPINGEN, HEROLDSBACH and JACAREÍ.
Peace My children! Peace to you Marcos, the most dedicated and hard-working of My children to whom I never tire of favoring Me through My Holy Servant LUCIA DE SIRACUSA and all the Saints in Heaven".