Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Feast of the 139Th Anniversary of the Apparition of Pontmain
Message from Our Lady

Dear children of mine, today, when you celebrate My Appearance in the city of PONTMAIN, France, so many years ago, to show My children the power of My Immaculate Heart, of My Rosary. and to give you the certainty that in the end I will triumph over the devil and over all the forces contrary to God and to Me, I call you again to hope and trust!
Do not lose hope and trust, even before this world that preaches that God does not exist, that God is dead and therefore evil always wins and prevails. No My children! God is alive, I am alive with you, I see all that happens to you and I know all that you need. The forces of evil cannot prevail against those who are My true children and carry in their souls My sign, the sign of My Love.
Those who have already embraced My sign and gathered around My sign, these My children the star of the abyss will not be able to overcome, will not be able to separate from God and Me. therefore little children, you who are My true children, who love Me and who have never said NO to Me, you have Me for Mother, advocate, defender and protector. and with Me in the end, you will triumph!
The punishments that have happened this month, the terrible floods that have devastated your country, the earthquake that has devastated this country also this week, and also what has devastated other countries, are only the beginning of the pains My children.
Don't worry about it, because many punishments will still happen because of humanity's refusal to obey My Messages and to heed what I have told and asked of them from Lourdes, La Salette, Pontmain, Fatima, to here in Jacareí. The earth will still know punishments so tremendous, what a pain we have never seen! But have confidence, I am with you! I am your Mother, and I will keep you all inside my cloak of love, inside my Immaculate Heart.
Only what I ask of you is: fidelity, generosity, docility and obedience to My voice, to My love and to My Messages and the rest I will take care of.
I have continued praying my Rosary. Those who pray My Rosary will triumph: from sin, from evil and from Satan. for by the Rosary I myself give the victory and I am the victory for all My children!
To all at this moment I bless you with love".