Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Great Cenacle - Messages from Our Lady and Saint Justina

(MARCOS): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!
"-Dear children, once again I call you to true love, which is pleasing to God!
Understand My children, that only the soul who loves can feel God, can know Him, can experience His presence and His action in his life, and only the soul who loves can remain in God and God in her.
Your love for God must be without limits, without reservations and without any stain of attachment to your own self, of any self-love. That is why I always invite you to renounce your will, and in all the events of your life to make the decision to do what is best for God rather than what is best or most comfortable for you. In this way you can be sure that your life is always spent in God's will, in God's grace, in choosing God's love!
Your life must be in everything like mine, it must be a continuous 'YES', a complete 'YES' to God in all the events of your life. even when God's will is veiled for you and you are often confused in the events, you must always think about how I your heavenly Mother would act in that situation in your place. and then you will immediately know what you must do and your action will be the right one!
So, imitating Me, copying Me, following Me at all times you will grow from virtue to virtue, from degree to degree on the ladder in love, until he in you reaches his fullness. The soul that keeps something for itself and does not give it all, is not generous, has no true love for Me and has in its heart a dwelling place for the devil. The soul that does not give herself completely to Me, does not have Me as her Mother and has the devil as her father, her father is not God! For God, my God, my Lord, my son Jesus Christ has given himself totally to me, and I have given myself totally to him, and those who are true children of God give themselves completely to me as he gave himself, and those who are my true children give themselves totally to him as I gave myself.
So you will recognize those who are My true children, those who are false children, who are actually children of the serpent, My eternal enemy. You will know My race, you will know where I am and where I reign through the generosity of love.
He who gives Me everything without reserve, he who gives Himself totally to Me with all that He is, with all that He does, with all that He has and all that He feels, this is My true son. son of light, son of God and not son of darkness. My children, you must be these My children, you must be the true children of light, burned with love and generosity for Me, children that I want to send all over the world carrying the light of My Messages, carrying the light of My love, carrying the light of salvation to all!
Arise then, children of light! Fill yourselves with my love! Expand your heart! Forget your desires and worry about My intentions, about My plans. Pray as much as you can, take My love, My Messages to all the souls you can, I promise you: I will not repent!
Every soul where I triumph, every soul who converts and gives his heart so that I may reign in it will be one less soul to make you suffer in the future My children! Therefore, I ask you so much: that you pray and that you work for the conversion of all, of all sinners, for only in this way can you have peace, you can live in peace.
For all this, continue praying now more than ever, especially my Rosary, because it is a very powerful weapon against all kinds of evil. If the sign of the cross is already in itself so powerful against Satan. very, very powerful is also My Rosary, to be able to stop and destroy all the forces of evil that act in the world. With the Rosary My children, prayed with the heart, full of love, detached from yourselves and completely united to Me, your souls will be invincible and one day I will be able to introduce you joyfully into the eternal glory, which I prepare for you every day with the perfect love of Mother!
To all at this moment I generously bless you".
"-Dear My Brothers! I, JUSTINA, am with you, I love you very much and I cover you with My Cloak of Light to protect you from all evil.
I am your sister, and my greatest desire is to make you happy already in this life and then even more intensely in eternal life. But no one can be happy without God, no one can be happy trying inordinately to satisfy your desires, the corrupted desires of your heart, even against God's will! The only source of happiness, the only source of joy and peace is God. and in order to have God's peace, you must conform your will to God's will. for this God gave you his own Mother, he gave you St. Joseph, he gave you the Saints of Heaven, your Guardian Angels and all the Angels who pray for you in Heaven and who assist you every day of your life on earth.
Our mission during your whole life is to fight to bend your rebellious will, to conform your will to God's will, to become true friends of God: who love Him, who love His will and who do whatever He wants and desires. for all is the will of God, whatever the Lord wants: it is just, it is good, it is holy.
Your 'YES' must now be given to the Lord with generosity, give your 'YES' with all your heart, so that the Lord can finally carry out in you resounding works of holiness and can raise you to a very high degree of union with him, of friendship with him, of great connection of your hearts with his heart. so that you may always remain in him and he always in you! Give your Heart to the Lord without reserve, giving Him all that you are, all that you have, all your affections, all your thoughts and desires. so that of all things He may be the absolute Lord and in all things and for all things He may accomplish in your lives His holy will, which is always mercy and always the best for you.
Give your generous 'YES' to the Lord, seeking every day to walk more and more in His justice, in His presence, in His love, in His grace, cultivating in you the virtues that He so pleases: generosity, kindness, humility, purity of soul, ready obedience, total surrender and submission to His will, the continuous love that never runs out, never tires, never measures how much you have served the Lord or how much you still lack to serve.
Give your generous 'YES' to the Lord, seeking each day to be more and more those true children of light, that Our Lord requested in His Gospel, that the Blessed Virgin has requested in Her apparitions: children to carry the light of true love, to unmask false love and to dispel the darkness of error, sin and evil throughout the world!
If you are these true children of light, the true light of love for God, of holiness, will shine and many souls will know this beautiful path: of perfection, holiness and love, to which you in the first place have been called and invited to enter here.
Bring them the light of the Lord! Enlighten the world with the light of this true love, with the light of eternal truth and I say to you: you will not repent! Great will be your joy one day in heaven as you see many, many souls sanctified, saved and united with the Lord forever in eternal glory thanks to the light you have transmitted to them!
Those who are the true children of light will one day see this world transformed into a beautiful garden of grace and holiness that perfectly reflects: the beauty, perfection, love and glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
Give your 'YES' to the Lord now, so that truly in you He fulfills His Plan of love, He fulfills His will and the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph truly triumph. and you be that beautiful prize, be that beautiful bouquet of mystical roses: of love, of prayer and of holiness. to cheer the heart of the Eternal Father, to cheer the Three United Sacred Hearts and to rejoice the whole Heavenly Court!
Give your generous 'YES' to the Lord through Us the Saints, for We will bring him to God, we will bring your 'YES'. and when we present your 'YES' to you, the Lord will receive it benign and crown you with so many blessings, that you will practically drown in the sea of grace and lights that the Lord will communicate to your souls.
I, JUSTINA, love you so much! And together with IRENE and all the saints who have transmitted the heavenly Messages to you here, I have the ardent desire to take you by the hand and to guide you to the certain and sure salvation. Therefore, I ask you to be totally docile, I ask you not to resist Me, to follow the path that I point out to you, and above all, not to listen to the temptation of the devil, who often tells you:
'but you have this or that defect, you are not fit, you are not worthy to follow the Lord, to follow the Virgin Mary, you are not worthy of Heaven.
Oh, no! Do not listen to the devil! Of course you have many defects, but even having these defects you can remain in God, through the sincere, greater and burning desire to belong to Him, to be His and the desire to fight every day to be converted, to sanctify yourself and become better. It is true that you cannot always be without faults or faults, but you can always be in Jesus, and isn't that what He said in the Gospel? 'Remain in Me and I Will Remain in You'? He did not say, 'Remain without faults and I will remain in you. No!
He said, 'Remain in Me and I Will Remain in You.
If you remain in Jesus in the desire to love Him above all things, without reservation and in the continuous effort for your sanctification, you will remain in Love and Jesus will remain in you!
I am here to help you to remain always in Love, always in God. Let us remain in Love and God will always remain in us! Remain with Me in Prayer and the Holy Spirit will always remain in you, acting and producing in you the greatest fruits of love and holiness.
To all, at this moment, I cover with My Cloak of Light and close within My heart".
(MARCOS): "-Till soon".