Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Message from Our Lady

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!
(Great Pause)
Yes. Yes. I'm glad you were pleased".
"-Loved and much desired children of My Heart! I thank you for all the prayers and I tell you again:
Pray for the grace of True Love.
The gift of Love will only be given to the soul who asks for it with many prayers, sighs, moans and even tears. Without true love you cannot feel God, nor know Him, nor experience His goodness, nor keep yourself in His grace and His friendship. Therefore, my children, seek love with all the forces of your soul, for without Him vain is your existence on this earth.
I want to take you to a high degree of love, to this end, mortify every day the disordered love of yourselves and of the world by seeking to follow Me along the path of despising worldly vanities, of your own will always inclined to evil. and always seeking what is most despised, most vile in the eyes of the world. always seeking what is most modest and simple and always seeking what pleases God and repulses your proud and proud nature. In this way you will grow in true humility and inner simplicity and you will be able to begin to taste how soft, sweet and free it is to love the Lord!
Continue to pray all the prayers I have given you here, because every day through them I have saved many souls in many nations throughout the world.
Make My Apparitions known! Spread My Messages!
For it is the only way the world can be converted and find salvation and peace!
To all I bless you now, with the generosity of my Immaculate Heart. "
(Big Break)
(Marcos): "- Yes. (pause) See you soon!"
Let us thank our Blessed Mother for this Message, for this Apparition, and let us renew our Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart:
O my Lady, O my Mother, I offer myself completely to You, and in proof of my devotion to You, I consecrate You on this day and forever: my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, and totally my whole being. And because I am all yours, O my good and incomparable Mother, keep me, defend me as your thing and property. Amen.
Remember that I belong to you, tender Mother, our Lady, as your thing and property. Amen.
Most Beloved Heart of St. Joseph, pray for us!
All the Angels and Saints of God, pray for Us!