Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy

My dear and beloved son Marcos! I am your Mother. I am with you. You are Mine and With Me. You have nothing missing.
Unhappy are those who make you or any other of My 'True Seeing Children' suffer.
What I told you eight years ago is still valid:- Those who make you suffer, or make My 'Elected Visionaries' suffer, will not be saved. No, without a rigorous and austere penance, making double reparation for all the harm they do to you or to My 'Elected Sons'.
As for many of them, there will be no time and no grace to make double reparation, for many of them, salvation will be lost.
This is how I defend those whom I choose! This is how GOD judges in Heaven those who make My Chosen ones suffer, My Little Ones, no matter what! Those whom I have chosen, no one has the right to molest, no one has the right to oppress or make suffer.
My Mother's Love, jealously guard you and jealously guard My 'Chosen Ones. My children, who throughout this year too, have heard My call, heard My Messages, obeyed the commands of My Heart and followed Me: along the road of Love, of Prayer, of Penance, of self-denial and contempt for the world, of renouncing the easy pleasures of this life, for which the devil deceives and enslaves most men.
These children, who are true 'Mystical Roses' of My Heart. of Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance. These My children, I jealously guard in the 'Garden' of My Immaculate Heart! These 'Roses'. can be shaken by the winds and the storms, can be hit by hailstones, can often even lose some of their petals, but will not perish.
The 'Mystical Roses' of My Heart. which I cultivate, with My own Hands. will live, blossom, spread the Mystical Perfume of Holiness, all over the world and the whole world, even those who will not want salvation; they will recognize that I cultivated these 'Roses' and that the perfume of holiness they exhale, comes from Me.
My Immaculate Heart will triumph, as I promised in FATIMA, as I repeated in MONTICHIARI, in MEDJUGORJE, and here so many, so many times!
No matter what men do, even if they all convert or if they all abandon Me, MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPHERE!
And My Kingdom of Love will be established on this Earth, and My proud adversary, who thinks his harvest and his empire on this world right, will be overthrown by Me and My HEART will win!
By the ROSARY my Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPH!
It was for the Rosary that I obtained victories for My children, for Christians, stupendous victories. And what seemed impossible, I made possible in the blink of an eye, through the Prayer of My Rosary. As by enchantment, I saved the world many and many times and took from Satan what he had conquered and prevented him from conquering what he intended to take possession of.
That's why My children, you will only win for the Rosary. The victories in this time of great tribulation that you are living, are only possible for many and many Rosaries!
Follow the example of My daughter RITA DE CÁSCIA, pray the Rosary, trusting truly that I am your Mother and that to each HAVE MARY, I gather your Prayer; to close it within My Immaculate Heart, where it becomes supernatural and pure incense! to present it before the LORD in Heaven. for your salvation, for your good, for your peace, for your happiness.
Wield the Rosary with confidence My children! It is your salvation! For the Rosary you will be saved. For the Rosary, I will save the world! For the Rosary I will save even my Son's Church, which is destroyed by those who now run it and who have already fallen into APOSAL. But the Church of My Son JESUS, which He created, which He planted; I SHALL SAVE IT. through the Rosary, through your love, through your fidelity I SHALL SAVE THE WORLD!
Through your trust in MY HEART, through the ROSARY, like the trust of little children who trust in their Mother and expect everything from her.
In this month of the HOLY ROSARY I bless and give a 'Special Indulgence' to all my Children who pray my ME ROSARY every day with love, trust and perseverance.
My Children! The Sign of the Sun Dressed Woman is the ROSARY. the dragon fears this Sign! Record this Sign in your hearts and souls, praying MY ROSARY every day and the dragon will fear you and flee from you!
To all, I bless you at this moment, with Love through the Crown of my Rosary". (long pause)
(Marcos): "Thank you very much, my Mother and my Lady, for this blessing, which now makes me feel so good, so much better and floods my heart with peace! Swim, swim in your Peace Lady!(pause)
Message of Saint Anastasia
"-Dear My Brothers! I, ANASTACIA, bless you today with all my Heart, with the LORD and with MY SAINT MARY!
Walk on the Path of Light. You who are called to be light in this time of dense darkness and great darkness that covers the whole world.
Walk in the Light. walking every day the path of Prayer, Penance, Sacrifice, forgetfulness of yourselves; that then in your hearts the Divine Flame of the LORD may burn, and the Light that it emanates may illuminate all around you, enlighten all humanity, dispel the darkness of evil; and make the Light of Truth, Justice, Love and Good shine!
Walk in the Light. Try to open your eyes, so that the light that illuminates you may always be the light of truth and not the false light of lies that leaves the whole body in darkness and darkness.
Open your eyes to yourselves, never relying too much on yourself and your strengths! Never relying on your own faithfulness and your own inner justice, but trusting more and more in the Grace of GOD, in the Love of GOD, in the Sustenance of GOD; for He is Faithful, He is Eternal, He is Constant and He will never cease.
Be more and more faithful to the LORD, following Him on the path of Love, Good and the fulfillment of His Commandments, and then you will truly be walking in the Light!
Walk in the Light. opening your eyes to your defects and miseries, to the movements of your corrupted nature, which at every moment wants to interfere even in the works you do for GOD and for MARY MOST HOLY; to maculate with personal interests, with other intimate desires of the heart and other intentions and attachments, all the works you do! Inutilizing all that you undertake to do for GOD and making vain before HIM, all your struggle to serve and please Him!
Open your eyes to your own self, repressing it, denying it what corrupt nature wants, opposing the virtues to the vices that arise and act in you, so that truly, your eyes are always clean and clear to see your defects, to fight against them, to fight and work to acquire the virtues, to preserve and increase them!
In this way you will walk in the Light and then your body will not be in darkness, because the light that illuminates you will no longer be the darkness, but the Light of the LORD! And then what Our Lord said in the Gospel will be fulfilled for you:
"As the light in your eyes is the Divine Light and not darkness, your whole being will be enlightened".
The soul that has that light, is not afraid to approach the Divine Light, because it does not fear that its evil deeds, will be seen in the light, because this soul, does not live in darkness, but in the light of truth and its works are all works of Light!
Walk in the Light, children of GOD who are very much loved. seeking every day more, to know the Will of GOD expressed in these Messages of these Apparitions! There are souls who seek in vain in this life happiness, the Will of GOD, without ever finding it. You do not need to do this! The Will of GOD has already found you here! Happiness has already come to meet you here and has already manifested itself to you! In these Messages from that Sacred Place is the Will of GOD concerning you, Here is True Peace and Happiness. And those who embrace this Will of GOD from their heart, which is revealed Here:
- will achieve peace. will know happiness. will possess it. And if they know how to keep it, always keeping themselves in the Will and Love of GOD, they will never lose it. they will never lose it!
Walk in the Light children of GOD and of MARY MOST HOLY so loved! Follow each day in peace, in the certainty of having Father and Mother in Heaven; of having Redeemer, Brother, Savior and Master who is the SACRED HEART OF JESUS! of having Us Angels and Saints as your brothers and sisters in the Supernatural Order of Grace: who guard you, who guide you, who protect you and enlighten you every day! And in this peace and in this happiness follow. And even suffering, even feeling the weight of the Cross, never forget: these crosses that you carry now, We the Saints already carry before you and with Divine Love We win! We live with CHRIST forever in Eternal Glory!
And so it will also be you, you will live eternally with CHRIST in Heaven, if now with Him you bear a little bit of suffering and a little part of His CROSS! And I promise you, even this little part will be softened, because We the Saints will carry this Cross with you, so that your feet do not get tired and so that you can reach the 'Crown of Eternal Award', which the LORD and the MOTHER of GOD prepare you in Heaven!
I am with you! I keep you, I protect you, I defend you! I am your defender. Pray to Me! Do not forget Me in your prayers, nor when you go to work or do anything for the Lord or for the maintenance of your earthly life.
Call Me! And I will be with you, I will work with you. If we have to suffer, I will suffer with you, and if we have to rejoice, I will rejoice with you! I want to be part of your life! And I want to make you grow in 'True Consecration and Devotion' to Us, the saints, also to the angels, to the mother of GOD, to SAINT JOSEPH and to the LORD GOD Himself.
If you are docile to My Action, if you are docile to My Direction, if you despise yourselves and your will to be guided by Me, in a short time I will make you advance much in holiness and transform you into saints as great as I am, as My compatriots of Paradise, of Heaven!
At this moment I cover all of you with My Sacred Cloak and I tell you:-
Peace, peace Marcos".