Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, October 12, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy

My very dear children, I rejoice in your presence here today, praying all these Rosaries!
Your prayer goes up to my Immaculate Heart, like fragrant incense, most pleasing to me and to the Lord.
I promise to obtain for you, great graces from God, and to grant you these graces of salvation and sanctification of your souls.
I also promise to pray with new ardor before the throne of the Lord for the salvation of your land, of this country, which is disobedient to My Messages and which My enemy fights hard to dominate and conquer. But he is mistaken: in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph! Through the prayers and sacrifices of My little children, who answered 'yes' to Me throughout all these years of My apparitions here, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
For one soul of true love, God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah. Here, where I came to seek love, for the sake of the souls of true love, that though they are few, because of these souls, I will save Brazil. But if these souls are more numerous, I will be able to save the world with supernatural love, with their prayers and sacrifices. So here is my desire, here is what I want: pray that the number of souls of true love, who having already died for themselves and their will, may love only God and me and live only for God and me. Pray, for with your prayer these souls will arise.
Pray My Rosary. The Rosary is the prayer that will save your Brazilian land, that will save Brazil and the World. Through the Rosary, this prayer that the proud despise, but that the humble love with all their heart, I will defeat my proud enemy and establish in the world my Kingdom of peace, of grace, of holiness and of love.
Trust, My children! I am with you! Can a mother abandon her child from her bowels? And even if there were such a monster, such a woman, I would never abandon you, nor would I forget you. Look again at the beings God created, at the creatures of God. If an irrational animal loves the fruit of its guts so much and does not forget it, could I, the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of the Most High, forget the children that she bore in the midst of so much pain at the foot of the Cross? Oh, no! She will not forget any of Her children, for She is faithful and She will present them victorious before Heaven for Her greatest honor, Her greatest glory and also for the greatest victory of Her Immaculate and Motherly Heart. To all, My children, I give peace, I leave My peace".