Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Message of Saint Joseph

My dear children, my Most Loving Heart, bless you again today and tell you:
Peace! Peace! Let nothing disturb your Peace! You are not orphans! Besides having Father in heaven, Mother in heaven, you also have me, who as your Father, Father of all Christians, Father of all the children of God, I love you, I keep you, I bless you!
I am with you always, and know that every tear that falls from your eyes and is offered to me by you, is deposited in the chalice of my most loving heart, and I present all this to the Eternal Father, with your tears united with mine, to obtain for you new grace, new good and new mercy from the Lord.
My Most Loving Heart is your home! I have given it to you, I have offered it to you so many times, but many of you refuse to enter, you refuse to take shelter in that refuge that I have prepared for you so that there you may be protected from the attacks of Satan, protected from the seductions of the world, and at the same time be warmed and burned in the fire of Divine Love.
Do not delay any longer! Enter the shelter of My Heart, for My Heart can no longer bear your absence. May you stay far from Me and not give yourself completely to Me.
Know that more than your perfections, your miseries attract Me to you. Because you are immensely fragile and in need of Me, I love you so much, I seek you so much, I want you so much.
Give yourselves wholeheartedly into My arms and you will see how I will fill you with that abundant and benevolent grace that I enjoy with the Most Holy Trinity, where I am in Heaven.
The Eternal Father repeats to you without ceasing, "Go to Joseph!
Yes, come to Me! And I will bring you to the Father!
Come to Me, and I will bring you to the Son!
Come to Me, and I will bring you to the Holy Spirit!
Come to Me, and I will bring you to the Temple of the Holy Spirit, to the Ark of the Most Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary!
Come to Me, and I will take you to Heaven!
I am with you! I am with you! And if I am in your favor no one can against you.
To all, now, I bless you generously".