Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God

Dear children, I am the Mother of Good Counsel and it is my maternal mission to guide you along the path of love, truth, grace and peace. With good and holy inspirations, I try every day to guide your hearts along the path of good, holiness, love for the Lord and His law of love.
By the extraordinary way of my Apparitions and Messages I lead you each day along the right path, without illusion, without error, without deviation from truth, goodness, charity, prayer, penance, humility, faithfulness to God, to His law of love, to His commandments, making you grow more and more in stature, age and beauty before the eyes of the Lord.
Spiritually, I make you grow to become mature men in faith, in holiness and in what my Lord expects of you: perfect and true Love!
Let yourselves be guided by Me by listening to and promptly obeying My Messages, letting yourselves be led along the path of mortification of your will, of your inclinations and of your corrupt self, so that each day it may not be you but Christ living in you!
Have in you the feelings of the Heart of Christ and the feelings of my Heart. I can only take your Heart and put My Heart in its place when you have died perfectly for yourselves and your will.
Seek it, My children, and then I myself will live, act, reign, and love God with you and in you. In this way I will guide you along the road by which I guided my little daughter Petruccia Nora and all My chosen seers, who put My Heart in the place of their hearts, and then I transformed them into 'giants' of love and holiness.
To all of you I propose the same thing, and with all of you I desire to do the same. If you leave me, oh yes, I will!
To all of you today I bless Genazzano, Fatima and from here, Jacari".