Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 19, 2009
(Feast of Divine Mercy)
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

My beloved children! My MERCYFULL HEART, is inflamed with Love for you and for all sinners throughout the world!
I wish I could gather you under My Wings and keep you here with Me forever! But it is necessary that man, endowed by Me; of free will, by his free and spontaneous decision, wants to give himself totally to Me and give himself to My Mercy.
I have sought men all over the world through My apparitions and lacriminations! But. men with a harder heart than stones; they have rejected My Love, they have despised the offers of forgiveness and salvation that I have made to them.
Nothing hurts My Heart more than to see My Works of Salvation, My works of Grace which are My Apparitions: rejected and despised by you!
No language can ever tell of the Pain My Sacred Heart felt when My Messages, given to My FAUSTINE daughter, were not only rejected by humanity in those years when I spoke to Her; but also how they were hidden and even forbidden during those 20 years when they were condemned by the Clergy of the Catholic Church.
The Pain My Sacred Heart felt would be enough to kill all men then, if I transmitted this Pain to them. That great proof of My Love which were the Messages I gave to My FAUSTINE Daughter: it was rejected, trampled on and despised by men. How many souls could have been saved if those Messages had been spread and propagated in all the Churches of the whole world quickly and promptly!
How many sinners could have been rescued from the clutches of the devil, if those MESSAGES had been spread quickly and with love.
How many souls My HEART has lost because My works of salvation, which are My apparitions, have been so persecuted and rejected! And how many souls my SACRED HEART still loses and with unspeakable sadness sees falling into the eternal flames; because even today my Works of Salvation, my apparitions are persecuted, denied and rejected by my own Catholic people, who had the primary duty: to receive me, obey me and do what I say for the salvation of all humanity!
My Heart is pierced again, as it once was on the Cross. And as My Heart is pierced, so too is My Mother's Heart and My FATHER's HEART HOLY JOSEPH.
You at least listen to me! You at least want to love Me. despite your weaknesses. You have decided to have for Me: a true love, a faithful love, an unconditional love, an unrestricted love, a love that seeks nothing else but: to love Me, to satisfy Me, to content Me and to quench My immense thirst for Love!
Come My children! May My HEART here in this Blessed Place of Our Apparitions be wide open to you!
I will not close this Heart to anyone, only he who wants it will be left out of Him; rejecting My Will, rejecting My Love, rejecting My Grace. On the contrary, I will shelter them all, I will keep them all within my HEART and there: I will nourish them, feed them and make them grow each day more in stature and beauty on the path of Holiness.
I will make you beautiful in My eyes! I will make you immaculate in my eyes, so that my heart may rejoice for you!
Here. where My Throne of Mercy is, I will give: forgiveness, peace and all the graces necessary for your salvation and the salvation of all those who seek Me here, with a right heart and eager to love Me and do My Will. And those who shed tears of sincere repentance and desire to love Me here. To these I will show the safe road that will lead you into My SACRATISTIC HEART!
Seek more each day, your conversion and your spiritual improvement in virtues, for the time of Mercy ends My children! And soon the Day of Justice will dawn for the world.
Humanity will recognize the Time of My Visit, that is, the time when My Mother and I visited the Earth offering Salvation through Our Apparitions, but it will be too late! If you do not want to be of the number of those unfortunate ones, who will have to go with the demons to the fire and the eternal tone, AGREE to this death in which you live My children!
Wake up from this death. Resurrect to life! Be converted sincerely and seek more every day to do what I have revealed to you in Our Apparitions here and seek through a holy life to bear the fruits of holiness; to taste your love and to truly confirm that you are connected to the Vine as branches, very well united to it, that you receive its sap and do not cease to produce its fruits.
To all, today, with My Mother the RAIN OF MERCY, I bless you and give forgiveness of your sorrows to all those who pray My TERRY OF MERCY daily and propagate My Messages, for the salvation of the world, with love, perseverance and fidelity!
Peace My children, peace My beloved Marcos!"
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God
"Our UNITED HEART will triumph My Children! Through the Rosary, through Our Apparitions. through your fidelity and your love for Us, Our MERCYFULL HEARTS will triumph! I your Mother reaffirm this to you: Our Hearts will triumph! In spite of our enemies, We will triumph and Mercy, Divine Love will overcome: darkness, demon, sin and evil.
And in place of these ungodly Thrones that now reign in humanity, the glorious Thrones of Our UNITED and MERCYFULL HEARTS will arise and We will bring a new era of peace to the world!
I, your MOTHER, MOTHER OF MERCY, bless you all abundantly".