Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God

My children, My Immaculate Heart blesses you again today!
Only in deep prayer can the soul unite with Me, feel My Love, know Him and taste His delights! To do so, the soul must be as free of itself and its spiritual senses as possible, and as much as possible the bodily ones turned to Me, so that then they may know what I desire and then; glimpse the splendors of My Mercy and Kindness.
If the spiritual senses of the soul are focused on the things of this world, on the illusory and passing things, however good they may seem, for even a moment; it is enough for the soul not to recognize My visit and for it not to hear the beats of Love of My Heart for it. In this way, blind and deaf, unable to recognize Me, the soul cannot even feel the peace that I offer, for those who seek Me and who seek Me with a straight and sincere heart.
I said several times: Whoever finds Me, finds life. To find life the soul must first die to itself, for if it is not like a grain of wheat fallen to the ground, it cannot be born into the Life of Grace and cannot bear fruit. Only he who first seeks to die to himself can find life! Only when his will is totally crucified can the soul emerge from the tomb, from the spiritual death it finds, and rise to the new day: from Grace, from conversion, from salvation and from the encounter with my Love, which so many souls have saved and brought back to GOD!
That is why, little children, I appeal to you: turn your spiritual senses towards Me, crucify your will, turn your heart towards My HEART and then; only then, there in that Royal Ancient Hall, where only I penance and where the soul can only penetrate if it leaves everything aside, only there the two of us can meet, you and I, your souls and I, and then I can reveal to your souls the greatness and beauties of My Love!
He who seeks, will be given to find. He who knocks will be opened. He who asks will be given...He who seeks My Love will be given to find it, he who knocks on My door asking for the bread of My Love will have it. and he who seeks Me will find Me!
Seek Me in the right way, that is, seek Me to know Me and to love Me and do all that I ask of you as I stand ready to give you totally to My Love, only in this way will I reveal myself to you. The souls who seek Me to use Me and try to deceive Me, not to finally give Me all their love and all their life. to these souls I reject, I hide and run from them and do not allow them to find Me. For the soul to find Me, its love has to be pure, its intention has to be good. Seek Me this way and I promise you that you will find Me and with Me you will find My JESUS.
Peace My dear children, I bless you abundantly".