Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Anniversary of the last Apparition in Fatima - Portugal

Mary Most Holy
"- Marcos, my beloved son, my angel, I bless you. I bless you son because you love me from the bottom of your heart. I am your treasure, your life and your love. And my heart recognizes all of this, my son! I am recognized for all that you do for Me, for everything My son! You have served me for almost twenty years, day and night without ceasing. And all that you do and that you have done for Me, My son, is stored and recorded in My Heart. Great reward awaits you in Heaven My son, but you must still fight; you must reveal Me to men; you must make Me known and loved; you must make My Messages known and obeyed by everyone!
Today, when you celebrate the Anniversary of My last Apparition in the Cova da Iria of Fatima to My little Shepherds Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta; and that was confirmed with the Miracle of the Sun, I tell you again:
The promise I made from the Cova da Iria in Fatima will come true, the serpent can beat its syrup all it wants! But my heart will win and I will crush its head with my Immaculate and victorious foot.
Through my Most Sacred Meditated Rosary, which this My son Marcos makes for you, my Immaculate Heart will conquer and triumph! What I said to my little daughter Lucia will be fulfilled to the letter! My Immaculate Heart will triumph and I will give the world a new time of peace. Russia will be converted, nations will sing the hymn of love, obedience and perfect faith in GOD and in Me. From all the nations of the world, I will gather My beloved children whom I have already marked with the Sign of the Cross and the "M" of My name. And these children will come, gather under My Cloak and then together in the new world of peace, in the new Heaven and new Earth to worship the LORD, to serve the LORD and to glorify the LORD with 'Perfect Love'.
Prepare yourselves, renouncing yourselves, your attachments, your pleasures and disordered desires; that you may be worthy to enter the new time of peace of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
When the soul is filled with GOD, it occupies all space and therefore there is no more room for the passing things of this world, which then become for the soul like shadows, like a mist that falls apart! If the soul is still avid for the passing things, it is because GOD does not yet occupy totally its interior.
Therefore, be detached, so that your soul may then be free to be only of the LORD and Mine, and so that it may become light; so that it may climb the high mountain of perfection which is difficult to climb, and even impossible for those who are loaded with attachments of transitory things.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, because it is through it that I will save you! Pray My Meditated Rosary and I will save you. In this I pledge My word.
Imitate My Little Shepherds of Fatima; in the love, obedience and fervor that they had for Me. If you imitate them you will be saved.
Today I bless you all from Fatima, Bannneux, Fatima and Jacari".