Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, October 12, 2007
Feast of Our Lady Aparecida
Message of Mary Most Holy

The most dear child... I accept your surrender and your claim of love and vassalage that you make again today to my Heart!
I bless you Marcos and I say to you: Continue in your obedience to Me, keep praying, because I and the Lord, we fight for you and for all the righteous who suffer injustice in this world because of Our Love and Our Name.
Do not discourage My son.
Pray! Pray and Pray! Fight! Fight! Fight! Walk! Walk! Walk!
Move on, My son, with the same Love! With the same faith! With the same prayer, joy and hope! And the same to all My children who come here, whom I love so much! I love My people so much!
And just like Queen Esther, she stood before King Assoélio and when he, enchanted with her beauty, asked her what she wanted, she then told him: - Grant me the salvation of my people! This is what I desire, grant life to my people!
I do the same every day before the Most High. who is my Father, my Son and my mystical Spouse, asking him: - Save my people! Grant Me Your Grace! Save My people!
I am your Mother and Queen Esther was My figure in the Old Testament, prefiguring here what I myself would be to you, your Mother, and the one who placates the King offended by your sins and obtains from Him life, eternal salvation!
My children have confidence in Me! And I continue to obey My Messages. As I said, in this world you will have sufferings, but courage! I have beaten the world! Christ has conquered the world and you as He will conquer!
After Calvary comes the Resurrection My Children! Pray, pray only, that before the victory comes, you will not be downcast and overcome by the weariness of waiting.
Pray the Rosary, to await the reward and the inheritance that I have prepared for you!
Pray for the conversion of Brazil. A great punishment will fall on Brazil, because the Brazilians do not stop sinning! And sin, malice and disobedience to My Messages increase every day!
This prolonged drought in some parts and the floods in others are punishment for your sins! If the sins of these people continue like this, the droughts will end up ruining the crops and there will be famine and widespread hunger in this country, with a punishment for the sins of these people!
I raise my arms to try to stop the punishment, but when I see human beings chasing after My apparitions and trying to make My presence disappear from the places I have chosen, I am forced to agree with My Son and let Him send a terrible punishment!
Pray the Rosary, if you do not want to be struck down by the Justice of My GOD! If He wants to punish you, because you do not obey My Messages, I myself will let the punishment come and send it upon this world! Because I cannot tolerate GOD being offended any longer as He has been up to now!
Pray the Rosary. The Rosary is the most powerful prayer I have left in this world and with it the Catholic, my true son triumphs over everything! It is proven, but it triumphs! He cries but he will reap hymns of joy! He suffers but finally rises.
Pray the Rosary! With the Rosary My children, you will triumph over the devil! With the Rosary my Heart will triumph!
Ask My servants Dominic, Bernadette and all My saints who loved Me so much and served Me all their lives for the Rosary, that they will hold the Rosary with your hands! In your hands! Together in your hands, to pray them! For in this way My children, we will triumph from darkness and the infernal empire will be overthrown!
Pray for Brazil! The devil travels through Brazil from north to south, east to west sowing his darkness and his works of death.
This nation has become the most guilty before GOD.
Pray many Rosaries, because only the Rosary can save Brazil!
Pray My children! Pray with Me! I will pray My Rosary with you.
Peace Marcos. I bless you and all My little children who are here!
Don't let your heart be drowned by sorrow or discouragement. May My children today pray much and praise Me, because at no time have I failed to call.
I have always been your Mother, always present and extreme! Peace!"