Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Marcos, most beloved son... I bless you once again today My angel, and I bless these My children who have prayed with you all these hours, with love and hope in My Heart.
I am the LADY OF THE ROSARY, I want you to continue praying it every day with love and perseverance. The soul that seeks GOD preserving in itself attachments to the things of this world, to the passing and transitory things; it is like someone who seeks GOD in the night. He will not find it because he cannot see Him.
Only when the soul is detached from its attachments will it have a clean, clear and enlightened sight; then it will find the LORD, feel Him, know Him, taste His Love; experience His sweetness and then know the treasures of His wisdom, His knowledge and His word.
That is why earthly and carnal man attached to the things of this world, cannot understand the LORD, nor know and love Him! While he is not detached from everything, that which binds him cannot take flight. The bird, when it lands on a slug's mistletoe, has to first clean itself, clean its wings, or otherwise it will not be able to take flight. In the same way, the man who already possesses the mistletoe of earthly attachments, of the passing things of this world, has to detach himself first, otherwise he cannot lift the flight of love in GOD, the flight of holiness in GOD!
May it be cleansed then through prayer, especially through my ROSARY SACRATISTIC; may it be cleansed through penance; may it be cleansed through conversion; may it be cleansed through the means that I have so often given and recommended here!
May man free himself from his attachments, so that then GOD alone may fill his whole soul and occupy it as his one and absolute LORD!
When the soul is completely absorbed in GOD, soaked in the Grace of GOD. When the soul is completely intoxicated with GOD, then all other things appear to him as obstacles. So if you truly want to grow in GOD, have the holy love of GOD; you must live with the soul free and unimpeded, so that the Grace in you finds no trench.
When the soul feels that passing things no longer cheer it, but on the contrary, they annoy it because they are obstacles to fly in GOD's love; it is already the sign that this soul is growing in 'True Love', in 'Perfect Love', in perfect obedience to the LORD, in the united life with GOD!
That is why, little children, I want to take you to a high degree of holiness! Come with Me, obey what I command you and I will transform your souls into angels of great holiness, for the greater joy of the Lord and of My Heart.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you, for them I will save your souls, your families and the whole world!
Message of Saint Anne (Mother of Our Lady)
"-Marcos, I am Ana, Mother of SACRATÍSSIMA VIRGIN MARIA and also Mother of all who are here.
"Thank you, my son, for having defended my daughter MARIA with such tender and at the same time strong words. Marcos, to My daughter MARIA all love, all respect, all obedience, all veneration and all gratitude is due.
Unhappy are those who diminish her, who despise her, who demean her, who offend her, who make her shed so many Tears of Blood!
I can no longer see My daughter suffer like this, so if men do not change I will also ask for the punishment from Heaven, for this world that became worse than the world at the time of the flood! The blasphemies against My daughter Mary keep increasing every day. Put a barrier against them, spreading the Most Sacred Meditated Rosary that you Marcos make; spreading the life of My daughter Mary "Mystical City of GOD" to the whole world, with her Messages; with My Messages so that then souls may repent of these horrible sins and do rigorous and sincere penance for them!
Continue with the prayers we have given you here, follow us on the path of detachment, of poverty. When you are like little children who are content with little, who are detached and have no other love; who have no other treasure but their father and mother! When you have such a love; detached, free of interests and totally centered on the LORD and on My daughter HOLY MARY, then you will be close to that holiness, that pure love that the Angels and We Saints have in Paradise!
If you, My children, really want to grow on the path of united love with GOD, that is, in the mystical and supernatural union with GOD and with Holy Mary, the path is asceticism. And that ascent on this high mountain of union with GOD and of perfection you will only be able to climb; if you have pure love in you, if you renounce yourself and if in your hearts you seek nothing more than to love the LORD and the holy Mary, because they are loving and to them you owe your love! And only those who are in them and in whom they are truly exist love.
It is love that gives eternal Life! It is love that saves! It is the love that sanctifies! It is the love that makes man share in GOD's infinite happiness and even divinizes him, as CHRIST said in the Gospel, "May all who believe in Him and love Him, and follow Him, be divinized, united with GOD by Love.
Whoever is born in love is born of GOD! And he who lives in love lives in GOD and GOD lives in him.
Therefore if you want GOD to live in you, and your soul to live in GOD for ever and ever; you must seek true and real love above all else. It must be cultivated and nurtured, but the LORD will only give this love and will only keep it in those who love Him for the pure and immaculate in truth and in life.
I will help you, My children, to reach this very deep union with the LORD and with my Daughter Mary.
Continue to pray the Meditated Rosary that my son Marcos makes for you and all the prayers that have been given to you here. Many souls are already growing like viscous roses of holiness, beauty, thanks to these prayers! If you do all that we have told you little children, you will become great saints in Paradise and there, with you and the Holy Angels you will sing forever the Glory of GOD and that which the LORD has given me for a daughter on earth and which I love ardently in Heaven as a burning flame of love.