Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Message from Angel Letiel

Marcos, dear friend, I am the Angel Letiel. When a soul returns to the arms of the Lord; when a soul is converted; there is such a great feast in Heaven among Us, the Angels, that the light of a thousand suns together does not reach the feet of the light with which we glow with joy and contentment for that conversion that happened. When a soul consecrates itself totally to Mary Most Holy, the joy is so great that We sing hymns so burning with love that they would melt us if we were made of wax. When a soul gives itself totally to the Blessed Virgin, to serve Her all its life, in chastity, love, obedience, ready and total faithfulness to Her will, among Us, the Angels of Heaven, there is a joy so great that We, all of Us together, if we became flames of fire, would melt the whole world with the warmth We would send. Our joy is so great when a soul consecrates itself; it gives itself totally to the Blessed Virgin, renouncing itself, and her will! When such a soul gives itself totally to Her, it compensates for thousands who say 'no' to the Blessed Virgin and who resist Her by not wanting to give their whole life to Her. When We, the Angels, meet such a blessed and blessed soul, Our joy is so great that we immediately pour blessing upon it. We, the Angels of the Lord, are walking the earth day and night, knocking on the door of hearts, seeking to give good and holy inspirations to men; inviting them through events and inner motions to open their hearts; to accept the Messages, obey them and adhere to them with all their heart so that they may be saved. Every day we turn away from souls many demons who tempt them to doubt, to disobey the Messages of Mary Most Holy, to resist her will and not to renounce her will. The soul who is willing will accept our illuminations; our advice; our good inspirations and will follow us along the path of holiness, obedience to the Lord and His Mother and fidelity to them. Peace, Marcos. Beloved of the Angels, I give you peace. Come, let me hold you in my arms and make you feel how much We, the Angels, love you and want you. Peace. Dear of the Angels, be at peace.