Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, October 1, 2007
Message of the Angel Saint Nadiel

Marcos, I Am the Angel Nadiel. I love you and all those who obey the Messages of the Mother of God. I am always at your side and I never leave you alone. Have faith and pray to Me constantly and I will help you a lot. We the Angels are the most ready servants of the Lord and of Mary Immaculate. As soon as we receive an order from them, we immediately run to execute it. We are zealous in fulfilling the will of the Lord and Mary Immaculate and our greatest joy is when they send us something. We eagerly desire to hear the orders of the Lord and the Mother of God. We are filled with indescribable joy when someone obeys the Lord and the Messages of Mary Most Holy, Our Queen. Sin, besides being an offense, is an ungratefulness of the soul towards the Lord and His Mother, after so many benefits received from them. We are taken with such great anger when someone commits this ingratitude that if we did not have the hand of the Lord, we would exterminate that person, so great is our justice and zeal for Him and His Mother. When a soul turns away from the Lord and His Mother for sin, the sadness we feel is so great that it would be possible to fill an ocean with the tears we shed. When a soul condemns itself eternally, our sadness is so great that we don't even move... we cover ourselves with our wings and only after a long time do we sing the hymns of glory again. When a soul is sincerely converted, the joy we feel is so great that we fly in all directions, we sing vibrant songs of joy, we shine with greater glory, we surround the throne of the Trinity and of the Blessed Virgin in flames, in multivocal choirs we bless the Lord and the Blessed Virgin for their great power and love that triumphed in that soul; we also descend to earth pouring new light, peace and graces on souls. We are always at the side of the soul that blesses us, loves us, defends us and spreads our devotion. Continue praying to Us, above all, do Our Hour every Tuesday. Every day we love you more. We love you more every day.