Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Marcos, very dear son. I bless you again today and all those who have come sincerely to pray with you in my honor!
I am the Lady of the Rosary. The souls who are most in love with my Rosary in this life, I promise in Heaven to put them in the empty place that the angels who fell at the beginning of the world left vacant.
I will put these souls in their place, so that like the Seraphim of Love they may take the place those wretches left empty.
The souls who are most devoted to my Rosary on earth, I promise to place them now, in the forefront of the Angelic Choirs and the Saints, who are closest to the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity; so that they may enjoy greater joy, greater joy and greater enjoyment of GOD's happiness, love and glory in Heaven!
The souls who are most devoted to my Rosary, I promise to give them the place closest to my Throne and there I will smile at them, I will speak to their ears and hearts as a tender Mother for centuries to come; giving them light, knowledge of me, of my Love and of GOD, which I will not give to souls who did not want to be devoted to my Rosary.
Pray to Me! My Rosary is your salvation, it is the salvation of the world! No problem is impossible to solve with the Prayer of the Rosary! With the Rosary there is nothing impossible My children, nothing!
Pray it! Pray it! Pray it and give yourself into my hands, for I am your Mother and I will defend you like a lioness to her little children! There is nothing that can happen to you that escapes my gaze. I know everything and I take care of everything! Pray the Rosary and I will see them".