Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dearest children, I AM THE LORD OF LOVE. I AM THE LADY OF DIVINE LOVE! It is this DIVINE LOVE that I want to put in each of your hearts! So that your souls may be the dwelling place of LOVE.
Where there is LOVE, GOD is there!
Where there is GOD and there is LOVE!
Where GOD is there and there is LOVE!
Where GOD is not there is no LOVE!
Where there is no LOVE GOD is not!
Where there is no true and sincere LOVE for GOD and for ME, in this soul GOD is not!
The soul that truly has GOD with you!
The soul that truly has part WITH ME, your MOTHER and with GOD, has true and sincere LOVE for US!
The soul that doesn't know how to love US with PURE LOVE! Uninterested! Sincere! Perfect! This soul has no part with GOD and neither with ME.
WE are not in a soul that does not have the TRUE LOVE for US! Only in the souls where there is the TRUE LOVE for US! WE TRUTHLY can LIVE, PERMANCE and REINUE there. In the soul that does not have the TRUE LOVE for US we cannot LIVE, PERMANCE and REINATE there. And as WE cannot LIVE, PERMANISE and REINATE in it, this uninhabited soul will not remain! Another will enter the place that WE should occupy! And there in that soul this other will live, remain and reign. And who is this other? He is Lucifer, Satan, my enemy and the enemy of GOD!
In the soul, in which GOD and I, We are not because it has no LOVE! The one who lives, who remains, who reigns over her is Satan. This soul lives, fulfills and follows only the motions that Satan gives her. The plan that happens in the life of such a person is not GOD's, but the enemy's! And all that this person does is of no use to him for his salvation.
You cannot serve GOD and the world!
You cannot serve GOD and the devil!
You cannot serve GOD and yourselves!
You cannot serve two Lords!
The soul who does not serve only GOD, only ME, your MOTHER, Co-redemptrix, Advocate and Mediatrix! That soul serves the devil!
That is why children. Pray all the prayers that I have given you here asking for the Grace of PERFECT LOVE! And after receiving it from GOD in Prayer, in Penance, in the exercise of Virtues! Ask the LORD through ME, the Grace that this LOVE will increase more and more, until it becomes a true mystical fire of LOVE!
That is why I tell You: - That who does not have PERFECT and PURE LOVE will have no part with GOD, nor WITH ME! And then, they won't have a part in OUR KINGDOM OF LOVE, which we will bring to this world! To reign in it Eternally, with all Our true children and beloved servants, who possess in their souls the TRUE and Perfect LOVE and bring in their hearts OUR SIGNAL.
Keep praying all the prayers that I have given you here! Continue to dry MY PRAYERS with the prayers I have given you. I will always help you in your sufferings! Pray! And I will always help you with my PERPERT LOVE! PEACE".