Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Children of mine, pray the TERRY OF MY SACRED HEART every day of this month, that ME is consecrated! Asking for the Grace of the meeting of your souls, with MY LOVE! And that I may grant you my PURE and HOLY LOVE, so that with this LOVE, you may love me, my MOTHER, and also the souls of your brothers and sisters, to save them! Pray this THIRD and beg for this grace many times! May I grant it to those who ask for it sincerely!
Message of Mary Most Holy
"-I AM THE MOTHER OF GOD! I am the MOTHER OF LOVE! I am thirsty for LOVE! Give Me LOVE! What I want is LOVE! Nothing else interests me but LOVE. I want True, Pure and Sincere LOVE! THE PERFECT LOVE! That does not seek advantage! The LOVE that does not seek interest! The LOVE that gives itself, that gives itself! The LOVE that knows how to suffer! The LOVE that knows how to give! This is the LOVE that I desire from all My children for ME and for GOD! I want servants full of LOVE, made of LOVE! And moved only by LOVE! I want prayers full of LOVE, made of LOVE! And moved only by HOLY LOVE! May your LOVE be translated into deeds and not so much into words! May your LOVE shine and shine in all of you! So that the world seeing your LOVE can be convinced of the truth! Not so much by the words you say, but by your deeds and your deeds! Know My children that deeds, that example is more powerful than even physical signs that I can manifest in My APPARITIONS! In acts, in works, in the examples of those who truly love Me there is no mistake or illusion! There everything is light, everything is truth! That is why I said in My First Message here in February 1991: "It is REAL AND GLORIOUS TO BE SAINTED!
No one can doubt the examples of a holy soul, who truly loves Me. The example crushes the forces of evil! Example is a light that dissipates darkness! Example is a force of GOD that the world cannot overcome! That the world cannot erase! That the world cannot make disappear! If you give the world the True Example of LOVE to ME and to GOD! The True Example of PERFECT LOVE, of holiness, of dedication, of devotion for US! Your example will conquer many souls for OUR HEARTS and then the CONVERSION will spread! And the world will be saved by the force of THE LOVE BIGGEST, PERFECT LOVE, PURE AND HOLY LOVE.Only PURE and HOLY LOVE can save the world! Only when everyone has this LOVE and gives an Example of this LOVE to the world! It will be saved. Therefore, My children. Put on the TRUE LOVE, which I give You abundantly in My Messages! Put on this LOVE that I have offered You abundantly since My First Appearance here! And I have always given...If you truly love GOD and ME with the FIVE LOVE, with the PURE, DISINTERLY LOVE.
If you truly love My Messages of LOVE and PAIN, with PURE and FIVE LOVE! Then My Children, VICTORY will be easily reached! For you and for all those who know you. For then it will shine in you, the LIGHT of MY LOVE that always wins and will always overcome the darkness...Seek the LOVE! Ask for the Grace of this LOVE by praying all the Prayers that I have given you here! Keep praying them, to dry MY LANGUAGES! And to give to the ALMIGHTY, reparation and displeasure for so many sins and offenses, with HIM is offended! And above all, for the great dislove and ingratitude with which His children pay the LOVE of Him and also MY LOVE! PEACE. Pray! Pray! Pray always".
Message of Saint Joseph
"-Pricey children. I love you very much and I also wish to help you to have the PERFECT and HOLY LOVE!
Keep praying all my prayers, especially 'MY TIME' on Sundays! Ask MY LOVE HEART to communicate the Burning Flames of MY LOVE to you! That burn in My Chest, so that you can then resemble Me in the ardent and holy LOVE by JESUS and MARY.
Do you want to learn to have the TRUE LOVE by GOD and by MARY SUCCESS? Then, My children, turn to Me many times! Many times, whenever you can come to My Image! Order yourself to ME! Recommend your soul to the care of My HEART! And above all, stay even for a minute contemplating My LOVING HEART on fire! Asking for the grace of receiving a spark of MY LOVE!
And I tell You My children: - I will give it to You! If you ask Me daily, I will give it to you. Because I LOVE JESUS and MARY infinitely and I want to make you, TRUTH CALLS OF LOVE for HIM on earth!