Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Message from ANGEL JARIEL

I am ANGEL JARIEL, dear Marcos, THE PEACE!
The devotion to OUR holy ANGELS, is the great wonder of recent times! This TRUE DEVOTION TO OUR kept for so many centuries and reserved for these Apparitions here, must now shine to overcome the darkness and prepare the world for the coming of the Luminous Kingdom of the SACRED HEARTS to the world.
Yes! This devotion must precede, that is, it must establish itself in souls to prepare the world for the coming of the Kingdom of the SACRED Hearts!
The world is a great vineyard that will be prepared by the Holy ANGELS, for the arrival of the Lords of the vineyards that will come to demand fruit even from the seeds they did not sow. And woe to the barren vines!
Forward! That there is still much to work in the vineyard! What WE desire is PURE LOVE, but. you can only reach it if you have a pure heart. Purify it through prayer and intense penance.
Devotion to the ANGELS is necessary for the salvation of men, because only WE can guide them safely to the SACRED HEART! WE are a straight and untroubled path for those who truly want to finish the journey begun.
Marcos the Peace!"