Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ

Dearest children, I, JESUS, bless you today in a particular and extraordinarily beautiful way. I give you the Blessing of Peace from MY HEART and I also give you new Grace to resist the will of Satan and to remain unscathed on the path of salvation and sanctification to which I have called you!
I love you very much! MY SACRED HEART is your refuge that I have offered you so many times. Enter in THEM through the "Door of LOVE".
Only through LOVE you can enter inside of MY HEART to be safe and calm inside of this HEART that is your refuge and your fortress.
Yes! Those who inhabit the interior of MY HEART will always inhabit in an unshakable fortress and no evil will be able to knock them down or defeat them.
They will come out victorious from all temptations and tribulations. And though they have been through suffering, their souls will always triumph and win!
I wish that you pray more often if possible the TERRY OF MY HEART, praying 33 times in honor of the years that I have spent on earth, that prayer that pleases and comforts me so much:
And at the end pray that prayer of offering to the ETERNAL FATHER through MY CHAGAS and THE LANGRIMS OF MY MOTHER OF HEAVEN.
I promise you My children. Many of your sins will be forgiven when you pray that prayer together with that Rosary! Many stains of your souls will be blotted out and I promise to grant them and pour out on you during the THIRD HEART new and stronger blessing so that you can fight them with combat and overcome the devil.
Have in your hearts the TRUE LOVE.
Without LOVE you cannot live!
Without LOVE nothing that you do pleases Me, nor inclines Me to you! Without LOVE My children, no work of yours has supernatural value for 'eternal life' and no merit for HEAVEN.
Only with LOVE will your works and prayers be truly meritorious so that you can achieve eternal salvation!
So do everything with LOVE! Pray! Offer your daily works to MY SACRED HEART and to MY MOTHER'S HEART in reparation for all the sins of the world, including your sins! Thus, even working without being able to stop to pray Our Father and Hail Mary your work will become prayer, sacrifice, penance. The three mystical roses. The white rose, the red and the yellow rose and these mystical roses will then rise to Our Hearts comforting Us and above all reaching for You new Graces of Love and Salvation to save your souls and the souls of those you love!
In OUR LOVE, in the LOVE of MY MOTHER and MY, nothing is lost. Not even your works will be lost if you know how to offer them as a sacrifice, as an act of penance, of atonement for your sins and as a prayer of reparation.
Even if it is a straw that you take from the ground, if it is offered to US and if it is for OUR LOVE it will have an immense merit for HEAVEN!
So My Children! Do not waste a minute, a moment! Do not miss an opportunity to offer us something for the salvation of all humanity, for your own salvation and so that you may gather many merits for HEAVEN.
Love. Truly Judas' sin was of not having loved MY MOTHER and of not having nourished by HIM a tender, sincere, deep and full LOVE! If he had loved MY MOTHER, he would have been able to love me perfectly. For he would have become so similar to MY MOTHER and his heart would have merged and united so much to MY MOTHER'S HEART that he would have loved ME with an immense LOVE following the example and following of MY MOTHER. Because he did not love My HOLY MOTHER, he fell into misfortune, he fell into My disapproval! And that is why he was lost.
If you little children do not want to commit the same sin as Judas and end up like Judas ended! Love My MOTHER. Love her with LOVE truly burned!
Don't be afraid to love My MOTHER too much, because you will never love her as I love AMEI! So love Her very much! Love Her with all your strength that will still be little! Not much at all!
Love Her as much as possible! For when you have learned to love My MOTHER with all your heart!! With all your strength! And with all your soul! And with all your strength!
My Mother is My network, with which I capture sinners.
My MOTHER is the magnet through which I draw sinners to ME.
My MOTHER is the anchor of salvation that I set to save those who are already sinking, to save them and lead them to Heaven.
My MOTHER is the instrument that I myself have established and determined for all sinners to come to ME, know Me, love Me and save themselves!
Sinners come to ME by no other means than through my holy Mother! So love Her, run to Her arms! Because by running into Hers arms you will be imitating Me. Because what gave me the most happiness in life was to run into the arms and into the lap of my Holy Mother! Kiss Her! Hold her! And be united with Her in one heart! In one flame of love!
Imitate Me and you will be happy as I was! For in My MOTHER there is nothing bitter, nothing hard and terrible. She is goodness, She is LOVE. In her there is no disgust! Running to HER you will find happiness and you will find Myself! Because it is in MARIA's arms that you will always find Me.
Little son, continue with all the prayers that WE send you! Continue to dry OUR LANGRIMAS with those prayers.
Now the MONTH OF MAY will come, the month of my holy Mother, pray the Rosary with more intensity.
Offer her the smallest sacrifices!
Honor Her more!
Glory her more!
Praise Her more!
Think of Her more!
Meditate More on Her Privileges and Glories! And I tell you little children:
It will be a Holy month for You! In just one month you will progress in holiness. Meditating on my holy Mother you will progress more in holiness than you have progressed in many years without so much meditation on the Glories of my and my Mother's Privileges!
Honor Her More!
Respect Her more!
Praise Her more!
Continue, My children, with the Crusade of the Holy Rosary, for it has saved many souls and prevented many punishments that your country rightly deserves from My Justice.
Continue to come here, for here in this place receive blessings that you cannot even imagine! And that only in HEAVEN will you know and how effective they have been for your salvation!
Continue to come here with good will and with a truly sincere heart and desire to love My MOTHER, to love ME with all your heart and to consecrate yourselves to WE fully by making the sacrifice of yourselves and renouncing your will. Renouncing your desires by dying to yourselves so that you may then do My Will.
To all of you I now bless my MOTHER with my FATHER HOLY JOSEPH and with my ANGELS who came with ME".