Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Pricey children. I AM THE MOTHER OF GOD and I come from HEAVEN again to tell you: Convert! May conversion be a constant in your lives.
You must convert every day from your bad habits, bad thoughts, bad words, bad actions and bad omissions!
Yes, My Children! You must reflect every day on how great is your omission to do good, to fulfill what I tell you, to fulfill what GOD has revealed to you through ME throughout these years!
You must convert every day, seeking the next day to strive harder to fulfill GOD's will, without wasting any time. In this way, My children, your conversion will truly be firm. true. quick and lasting.
Get up each day and make a little examination of conscience about what the previous day was like, and then when you see your faults, try not to repeat them again for the day! If you do so you will improve and each day you will become more perfect with each passing day.
May your conversion be fruit, consequence and effect of LOVE.
LOVE must be the cause of your conversion!
The cause of your conversion should not be the fear of punishment, nor the fear of GOD, hell, suffering or anything else! Your conversion must be the fruit of LOVE.
Only if your conversion is the fruit of love, will it be true, sincere, holy, faithful, lasting and will please GOD and ME, and will be accepted by WE as an act of perfect praise, love, and gratitude.
The soul that LOVES seeks always to resemble the LOVING BEING so that then it can please HE more, be more conformed to what HE is and thus give him joy, contentment and happiness.
If you love GOD and if you love me, you must seek each day to look more and more like me and my DIVINE SON JESUS CHRIST! You must look like WE! Only with LOVE will you be able to achieve this very high Grace My Children!
Without LOVE you will never be copies of MY DIVINE SON, nor of MY DIVINE SON. But first, without LOVE you will be copies of the devils, where there isn't even a trace, a drop of LOVE!
I want each one of you to become more and more like ME, only then will you be beautiful. Only then will you be full of beauty! Not that vain and harmful beauty that the world exalts. But you will be full of divine beauty, of heavenly beauty! You will become beautiful like the ANGELS OF THE PARADISE, if you have true LOVE.
There is no one who does not want to be beautiful! So, try to have that beauty in you! That beauty that I have told you about so many times, the beauty of LOVE!
Only LOVE makes sense to your life!
Only LOVE makes sense to your existence!
Only LOVE makes your life sweet, even in the midst of many sufferings!
Only LOVE enlightens the soul of the human being so that he knows where to walk while living on earth!
Only through LOVE can one find GOD!
Only through LOVE can you find ME!
Only through LOVE can one feel my LOVE!
Only through LOVE can the senses of My Words be understood!
Only through LOVE you can understand the senses of My Words!
Only through LOVE you can understand what I want in My Messages.
Only through LOVE can the human being then understand what should be done!
And only through LOVE can man have the strength to fulfill My will and the will of GOD.
Without LOVE man cannot do anything! Man is nothing! He is nowhere to go! Nothing reaches! And annuls himself.
Only with LOVE can man find and enter the Doors of Paradise.
That's why I asked for LOVE in your prayers. I asked for the increase of LOVE! Beg for the LOVE to come down on you. to spill in you and open your hearts!
I am ready to pour on you the effective graces of MY LOVE. Ask for them and I will give them to you without delay.