Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Pricey children. I AM THE MOTHER OF GOD and TRUE MOTHER of you.
Love. Love the LORD. And never forget all the sufferings of MY DIVINE CHILD. Try to meditate My children. How much MY DIVINE CHILD loved you with SUBLIMISSIMO LOVE! Dying to save each one of you as if another soul in the world did not exist to be redeemed!
Consider, how He shed all His PRECIOUS BLOOD, until the last drop for each one of you.
Behold My children! that I have poured out all My BLOODING PAGERS for each one of you, so as to collaborate in your Co-Redemption.
Behold! how much LOVE WE treated you and how much LOVE WE sacrificed for your redemption and your salvation.
And consider how hard, cold and insensitive your hearts have been towards OUR LOVE.
Look how your prayers are made with little love. Your works in favor of MY DIVINE CHILD and in favor of MY IMMACULATE HEART, have been done with little love or with interesting feelings mixed with them and so are done with imperfect love.
Behold! How still your souls are attached to the love of creatures, to the desire for the honors, pleasures and enjoyments of this world and how still your hearts are different from MY HEART and MY CHILD'S HEART and do not possess the same feelings as WE possess in WE.
Behold! How much your actions are still stained by your corrupted background, which stains even the best actions you do! Because you have not yet renounced your will. Because you have not yet renounced your desires. Because you have not yet renounced your own will.
See My children! how much you still need to be perfect and pleasing to GOD and to My HEART, and your faith and your love truly console Us and glorify Us.
Behold My children! how much you are loved by GOD and Me.
MY APPARITIONS here with MY SON, SAINT JOSEPH, HOLY SPIRIT, ANGELS and SAINTS are the greatest proof of GOD'S LOVE for your lives! Do not expect another greater PROOF OF LOVE than this because you will not have it! You will not expect any other manifestation of GOD's LOVE from you than these APPARITIONS!
Because THEM are the greatest manifestation of GOD's love for you 'men of recent times'.
Embrace OUR LOVE. Correspond to OUR LOVE. Give everything of yourself to work with us and to cooperate with OUR LOVE! Beat yourself! Sublimate! Overcome! Overcome your corrupted nature! Rising above yourself and deploring your ideals so often low and insignificant, so that you can aspire and desire the highest and sublimest ideals, which I and the LORD call You in OUR MESSAGES.
Pray all the PRAYERS that I have given You, seeking in THEM the grace and the necessary strength, the courage and the detachment from yourselves to love GOD and ME with all your strength! Continue to dry OUR PRAYERS praying all the PRAYERS that I have commanded you to do here.
Be brave! Do not weaken! Do not cross your arms! Walk! Walk! Speak! Fight! Fight for the causes of MY MESSAGES! Fight for ME! Fight for the triumph of MY IMMACULATE HEART! And then I assure you for sure