Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Very dear children. I wish that your hearts have the 'True Love'! Only the 'True Love' comforts me in my great sorrow and anguish, as I contemplate the whole world that does not truly love its GOD and not even its RELIEVING MOTHER.
Oh! Souls do not love us! And some who have for Us some feeling, some love. is so weak! So languid! So petty, so selfish yet! Nor can it be called love. The souls who possess True Love are still so few.
This number must increase in intensity and quantity. So that the Kingdom of my Immaculate Heart may grow, extend, and spread throughout the world!!!
Begin! Planting True Love and cultivating it in yourselves! True Love is like a plant that you have to water! that you have to fertilize! that you have to prune when necessary! that you have to shore it up so that the wind does not bend it and break it, so that then the flower can blossom and bloom.
If you forget to water this 'Flower of Love' one day with much prayer; with small sacrifices; with the reading and meditation of My Messages; with the reading and meditation of My Life and My Advice this flower will die. Yes! it will wither. it will wither. it will die! And if it does not wither! Before it will be broken by the wind of temptations, of attachments to earthly things, of the love of creatures so false and illusory.
For 'The Flower of Love' in you to survive and be slimy, beautiful and exhale the pleasant smell of holiness you must cultivate it every day. Extraordinary means to achieve this Grace I have given you here: My MEDITED ROSARIES, My HOUR OF PEACE, the HOUR of SAINT JOSEPH, the TREASURES, the SEVENS, the HOURS of the Saints, the HOLY SPIRIT, the outpouring of DIVINE LOVE without equal on the face of the earth!
Yes! All these means I give you My children! Know how to use them and use them widely because I say to you My children: - If you don't use them, but make use of those means that I have given you! Your souls will wither, they will die spiritually. Therefore, nourish every day the LOVE in you, always have an immense desire to know My LOVE! Because I only reveal My LOVE to those who wish to know it and to those who ask Me with many moans, many supplications and many inflamed desires of the heart! To them I will reveal My LOVE here in these Apparitions where I have revealed My LOVE like never before in the history of humanity.
Pray, asking for the Grace of knowing My LOVE! To prefer My LOVE to the world's and creatures' and the Grace of being faithful to this LOVE, corresponding every day My LOVE with your LOVE and paying My LOVE with your LOVE for ME!