Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Saturday of the Soledade of Our Lady of Sorrows
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dearest Son, I am very happy with your prayer here this afternoon and that of everyone who has come to pray with you! You have done me a great service and you have given me great consolation! You have wiped out many BLOOD PAGERS, pulled out many thorns from my painful heart, and greatly softened my great pain and my great sorrow.
This is the Saturday of My Pain and My Loneliness. I remained without my DIVINE SON who was buried and so all day long I prayed, cried many BLOODING PAGERS and remembered many, many times the most painful Passion of MY DIVINE SON JESUS CHRIST.
Today I am the VIRGIN OF SOLIDITY, I am the DOLORY VIRGIN. All the pains of the eve. Today. They reached MY HEART in such a way that I could not avoid spilling Copious and Painful BLOODS. That is why Saturday afternoon must be consecrated to me so that My Sorrow and My BLOODING PANCES may be venerated with special attention and devotion by all My faithful children.
Saturday afternoon is reserved for Me, and those who are dedicated and faithful in this holy devotion and attention to My Sorrows and Tears, will receive from Me a unique gift of the knowledge of My Virtues, My Glory, My Power, My Majesty and also My Sorrows that I will not give to those who forget Me on Saturday afternoons.
My faithful children, who will consecrate Me on Saturday afternoon and come to relieve and console Me, will not be plagued by spiritual and temporal misery, nor will they die of sudden death and at the hour of death they will not be tormented by demons. I will not forget at the last moment those who never forgot me during all the Saturdays of their lives.
Those who remember Me on Saturday afternoon and come to comfort and support me will have from Me all the graces necessary for their salvation and I will write their name in the Book of Life "with My BLOODS OF BLOODS and I will do everything so that they may be saved. The salvation of these children will be certain, as long as they do not spoil everything and they themselves do not oppose their salvation by seeking sin.
My children who remember me on Saturday afternoon and come to comfort me with their prayers and their love, will always have my Black Cloak of Pain and Suffering for refuge. They will always have MY BLOOD COVERS as their pledge and as a guarantee of salvation.
My BLOODING PANCES will be the 'pearls', the blessed 'rubies' with which they will pay all their debts with DIVINE JUSTICE. And for this their death will be blessed and they will surely inherit the HEAVEN.
I make all these promises and I renew all those I have made in previous years, for my Children who comfort me all Saturday afternoon! You cannot imagine the relief you give me, consoling me on Saturday afternoon and wiping MY LANGRIMAS on Saturday afternoon.
To all My children who love Me, who want Me, who desire Me and who want to live only for Me and for Me, I am sure that this My call will enter their hearts and they will love Me, console Me and unite with Me in prayer for the salvation and conversion of all humanity.
To all of you, My children, I leave this call and I want your hearts to truly be converted in these holy days. Leave My children this traditional faith which many of you have and which remains only on the surface of your souls, without entering them. By this I do not mean that traditions are not good, no! They are the men who cling only to what is outside and do not worry about transforming the inside. In making faith be interior! And to transform the inner, the deep, the core of the heart, the spirit and the soul.
Go from having a superficial faith to having a truly profound faith! May it transform you, change you, free you from your defects and sins so that you do not drag them away and carry them with you to the end of your lives, when it will be impossible to correct defects and weaknesses.
My little children. Cling to the ROSARY, cling to the TERM OF MY SINS, cling more to the TERM OF MY LANGRIMES, cling more to ALL PRAYERS that I have commanded you to do, for they are your ladder with which you may safely climb to HEAVEN, without danger of falling and condemning yourself.
Continue with all these prayers, for they dry my tears. Dry My BLOODING LANGRIMES with all these prayers and never neglect to read and meditate on My Life, My Examples and My Messages.
I bless you all today with the blessing of the virtue of My Sorrows and Tears".