Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Easter Sunday
Message of Mary Most Holy

Marcos, my most blessed and dear son, I bless you once again today with all the solemn blessings of MY Immaculate HEART, who on this day was so comforted and joyful to see before MY DIVINE SON risen shining more than the sun!
I bless all My Children who have come today, I bless them all at this moment. Dear children, continue with all the prayers that I have commanded you to make, for they dry my tears very much and remove the thorns of pain from my heart. Continue praying little children because this year I have great plans for you, I want to make you great saints, but I need your collaboration, your prayer, your obedience and docility to my voice. So I want you to pray, to make a novena praying the following prayer in the rosary accounts daily:
"Divine Heart of JESUS Providence, may I become a great saint, for Your glory and that of Your Holy Mother.
If you pray like this My little children, I promise you that My Son JESUS will give you many graces and help so that you can advance and rise in holiness. I want great holiness from you, I expect great things from you! You are much loved by the Lord and you cannot remain stationed in sin. The things of the world are not for you, the things of HEAVEN are for you. The HEAVEN has already chosen you little children, it is enough now that you choose the HEAVEN and what he wants and has planned for you.
Continue praying the HOLY ROSARY every day, continue with all the prayers that I have given you and ordered you to do. My Immaculate Heart has been greatly consoled by you in these days and also the Heart of My Son JESUS.
Today I pour upon you the copious blessings of MY IMMACULATE AND RESCUSSIONED HEART, fruits of my pains and tears".
"-Marcos dearest, I Benedict am very pleased to see you today once again. It is almost two months since Rita and I came with our RAIN and great LADY to bless you on your birthday. And today I rejoice to be able to come and also bless all these people present.
Pray the HOLY ROSARY. The Rosary took me to HEAVEN, it was not so many of my miracles that took me to HEAVEN, but the HOLY ROSARY!
How I loved the HOLY ROSARY! I prayed it in the caves where I lived and then also in the monastery. I liked to spend many hours praying the Rosary with nothing else to want or desire. The HOLY ROSARY to ME was like a delicious and sweet honeycomb that enchanted My soul and that made My soul simply burn and burn with love for GOD and for HOLY MARY.
How many times did she visit me during the ROSARY prayer, to show her appreciation and predilection for this most saving and powerful prayer.
THE SKY. THE SKY has become close and accessible to ME, thanks to the HOLY ROSARY! How many graces the HOLY ROSARY has given me! How many blessings and spiritual lights the HOLY ROSARY has given me! I am so grateful to the HOLY ROSARY! I am very grateful to My RAIN and LADY who has given it to us, who has given it to all humanity!
I wish you to be filled with love for the HOLY ROSARY! I wish you to pray for him piously and fervently! Whenever you can on your knees and shed tears of gratitude to the LORD for having given it to all mankind.
THE HOLY ROSARY is the greatest treat, the greatest prize and gift that the HOLY VIRGIN gave to the world after the verb became flesh.
Oh, yes! In each account of the Rosary you get a tear from the MOTHER OF GOD and at the same time you receive a new grace from her. Each time you utter these blessed and wonderful words, holy words "Hail Mary Full of Grace" a ray of Grace will be released from the Holy Virgin and will descend upon your souls.
Pray the HOLY ROSARY, pray also all the prayers that HE has given you, for these prayers annihilate Satan and demons and cause many souls to escape from their clutches and be converted and saved.
I BENEDIT you Peace, I leave you Peace and promise you My constant protection. For to you who come here in this sacred place always and who are always here at the feet of the LORD consoling her, you are My brethren, you are My protected, you are My property.
And I will guard you and defend you as such.
"-Marcos. Marcos Blessed I RITA DE CÁSSIA, servant of the LORD and of MARY MOST HOLY, RITA OF THE Sorrow and of the ANGUSIAS of the LORD and of the LORD, I give you today My blessing and to all who are here also My blessing. Love the Passion of JESUS, venerate it more, contemplate it more. Do especially on Fridays special reverence for the Passion of JESUS and adoration of the Holy Cross. Try to meditate every Friday on the CHAGAS of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, also try to meditate every Friday on the torments of the LADY OF DAYS. The Passion of Christ is the greatest book of holiness that exists, in it there are lessons for all men and for all situations of life.
In the Passion of JESUS I found all my joy and all my peace. In the Passion of JESUS I found all my strength and all my Love. In the Passion of JESUS and MARIA I found all my comfort and all my joy.
You will also find it if you dedicate yourself every Friday to meditating on the sufferings of OUR LORD and the MOTHER OF Sorrow, even if it is for at least ten minutes.
Seek. on Saturdays to consecrate Saturday afternoon to the MOTHER OF Sorrow as she requested of you yesterday. Obey these Messages of the MOTHER OF GOD and you will have the blessing of GOD, in your souls and in your lives.
Truly I tell you, whatever you ask on Saturday afternoon during the prayer and reparation to the LADY OF DAMAGES will be granted, as long as it is not contrary to GOD's will and does not lead your souls away from GOD. Everything that you ask on Saturday afternoon during the Sabbath afternoon prayer the LADY OF DAMAGES will grant you and OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST will give you, because HE desires more than ever to see HIS HOLY MOTHER comforted-beloved by all of His Children.
This place is Holy, the HEAVEN here touch the earth, the Saints and the Angels populate and inhabit this place night and day. Come here to join us in prayer so that in one chorus we worship GOD, bless His Name and the name of His holy Mother, and love and venerate them with special affection, love and devotion.
Truly I say to you, whoever defends this place by saving the souls of others, will predestine his own soul to salvation. I RITA, I will defend you, I will always help you, pray more, remember me especially on the 22nd of each month and remember BENEDIT especially on the 4th of each month with special prayers. On these days speak more to us, pray to us, occur at the feet of Our Images so that there we may fill you with Grace. No Grace will be denied there, you will have free and full access to all of them, you will reap as many Graces as you can carry, as many Graces as you can reap.
In truth I tell you, imitate me in accepting the sufferings and in conforming to the sufferings, the afflictions and anxieties of this life. This life passes quickly and the pain and suffering will not last forever if you know how to use them to your own advantage and favor by accepting them as true steps on the holy ladder that lead you to Heaven.
To all we now bless and wish Peace".