Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 6, 2007
Friday of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear Son, I AM THE DOLORY VIRGO . I come once again today to reveal to my children the Ocean of Pain of my Immaculate Heart with which I collaborated with my Divine Son in the redemption of all humanity.
Yes My dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother! At the foot of the Cross I shed tears of BLOOD during all the agony of my Divine Son Jesus Christ. The Tears of Blood that flowed from My eyes were the fruit of the very sharp pain that I suffered in My Heart. How much Blood my eyes saw on this day. How much Blood of My Son Jesus in His Crown of Thorns, in His Face, in His Hands, Feet and Side. in His whole Body. My Tears of Blood united with the drops of Blood of My Divine Son were offered to the Eternal Father, went up to Him and achieved for all mankind Redemption and Salvation.
I saw My Son Jesus fallen to earth on the way to Calvary. I saw Him burning with fever. filled with pain, wounded and then nailed to the Cross. Dying in a great asphyxia in the midst of the most difficult and indescribable torments.
I saw Him in His great solitude, helpless of all men, having as His only faithful companion His Sorrowful Mother and a little less. the company of John and the Holy Marys.
Oh yes, My Tears of Blood united with the Blood of My Divine Son shook and destroyed the hellish powers. Lucifer found himself precipitated with his followers in the instant that together with My Divine Son I died mystically.
His infernal empire was then overthrown. God's justice was disgraced. Order and peace were restored again. The Friendship between God and his creatures and thus hell no longer has the last word about the human race.
Repair My children, what your redemption cost. Repair the infinite value of My Blood Tears and the effects they produced on Good Friday and that they continue to produce in humanity throughout the centuries. Notice and think that it was for you that I suffered and for you that I shed such Painful Tears.
Love us. Love us... Love us. Behold My children, all this. All these Tears of Blood, all this Blood shed from My Divine Son was for you. For your love.
Could we suffer more for you than we did? Could we do more for your good and for your salvation than we did?
Then My children, open your hearts to love. Love My Divine Son, love me. What we want from you today more than your contrition and repentance of sins is your LOVE, YOUR RESPONSE OF LOVE, YOUR YES TO OUR LOVE.
Love us, love us. Don't be more insensitive, don't be My children like "Cains", like Judas, like Herod. Be My children as I was, Burning with love for My Divine Son, for Our Lord.
That is what I desire of you! YOU MEDITATE MY PAINS DAILY. Constant and fervent meditation on my pains will soften your hearts of stone and cause love to be born in them. Seek My children, contemplate daily the Ocean of Sorrows that I have suffered with My Son for your salvation, and thus you will cease to have the caring love for Us in order to have true, pure, sincere and loyal love.
Contemplate frequently My Tears of Blood. The contemplation of My Tears of Blood will make you THINK about how much I have suffered for you and how much I have loved you and still love you. To all of you today, I bless you with the blessing of My Seven Sorrows and My Tears".