Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Rakovnik, Czech


Today the Blessed Mother came with her Son Jesus in her arms. The two of them stood there before us with their hearts full of love for humanity.

Peace my beloved children!

Today, I come from heaven to welcome you into my protective mantle.

My children, I hold in my arms the peace and light of the world. Behold my Divine Son! He is here to bless you and to comfort you in your afflictions.

Fear nothing! God is with you, and I, His Immaculate Mother, am also with you to give you all my love.

Pray my children. If you cannot find the light that can illuminate your lives, pray the Rosary and you will have God's light. If you cannot carry your cross with love, pray, pray the Rosary and you will have the strength for your spiritual journey.

God loves you and today he grants your families a shower of graces from heaven....

At this moment, Our Lady approached the steps of the Church at the command of her Son Jesus. He opened his little hands and then with his right hand indicated the floor. I understood in the Child Jesus' gaze that I was to kiss the spot he indicated and I was to make three crosses with my tongue in reparation for the sins of the world and the outrages he receives from poor sinners. Immediately afterwards, Our Lady, by order of the Child Jesus touched the floor of the Church with her feet. Where she was with Jesus everything was illuminated. The Mother of God said:

Here I leave my love, at the command of my Son Jesus. Here, in this holy place, blessed and sanctified by the Lord, I wish to grant the grace of conversion to many hardened hearts. Come, come to the house of your Father in Heaven, come to worship Him in Spirit and Truth, and you will have your lives and your hearts filled with the great love of God. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Return to your homes with the peace of God!

As she said these words the Blessed Virgin with the Child Jesus in her arms began to rise slowly toward her image that was on the altar, until she disappeared in that beautiful light.


