Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber in Trieste, Italy

Feast of his Most Chaste Heart
Peace my beloved children!
Jesus sends me here with my Most Holy Spouse to bless you and to protect you. Be the Lord's with your whole being. Do not be disobedient and ungrateful children to the great love of the Father in Heaven.
God desires the salvation of your families, but O humanity, return to the right path. Accept the calls of God with love, for every message is a grace that he gives to the world as a sign of his love.
Children, enter into my Heart with your consecration. Do not leave your conversion until tomorrow. The world is destroying itself in sin, and many do not want to renounce the wrong things, because they are blind.
Prayer illuminates your lives and your souls, so let it become a source of grace within your homes, when you allow the Lord to heal your hearts by opening them to his peace and love.
I have come here tonight to tell you, by order of my Divine Son that this is the time of your return to Him.
The Church is going through great trials, but I extend my protective mantle over her and pray before the Heart of my Son Jesus for all of you. Take my words and live the messages that we have already given you during all these years.
Open your hearts now, because God is passing among you with his grace. Do not let these graces go to waste, but welcome them into your lives and everything will change.
I, together with my Blessed Spouse, place you all within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Courage! With your prayers you are allowing good to triumph over evil in your city and in your families. I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!