Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, June 14, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Višnja Gora, Slovenia

Today, some priests were present at the apparition of Our Lady. The Blessed Virgin transmitted the following message on this day:
Peace my beloved children!
I, your Heavenly Mother, am happy with your presence and I tell you that my Son Jesus desires the spiritual renewal of the families of Slovenia.
The good Lord full of love for his people will begin this renewal first by my sons priests, and thus through them his love and grace will reach many fathers, mothers, young people and children.
Priests, my children so dear and precious in my maternal eyes, help your Immaculate Mother to convert many hearts to my Son Jesus. I am always at your side to help you and to accompany you in everything, and I tell you that I am always close to all of you, so that you may fulfill your mission as my Son Jesus desires.
Do not be discouraged by the trials of life, but walk with confidence, always looking to my Immaculate Heart that will lead you to God.
I love you, my children, and I bless you with the blessing of love and peace in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition, the Blessed Virgin showed her Immaculate Heart to the priests present. From her maternal Heart came many rays of light that went out to all of them. I understood Our Lady's great love for the priests. She was granting them all great graces, so that they would witness to all the faithful the great love of God, through her apparitions and messages. Our Lady also said:
The Lord has prepared great graces for these times and his merciful Heart, through my Immaculate Heart and through the most chaste Heart of St. Joseph, will show itself to this people with great love and save many of my children from spiritual darkness. Thank you for your presence. Return to your homes with the peace of God!