Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, love You and adore You, my God and my King. Lord, it is good to be here with You. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for Holy Communion. Thank You for (names withheld). Thank You for allowing us to be together at Mass. Jesus, bless (names withheld) who were not there. Please bring (name withheld) back to the Church as well as (names withheld). Please bring (names withheld) into the Church. Lord, thank You for our pastor (name withheld) and for (name withheld). Thank You for protecting (name withheld) during his car accident. Praise You that he wasn’t hurt. Thank You, Jesus for our family party yesterday for (name withheld). Help our entire family to grow closer to You, Lord. Jesus, please comfort (name withheld). Her heart is grieving her Father’s death and not being able to be by his side makes everything even worse. Help her mother to leave (location withheld) and come to be with (name withheld).
Please help the people of Venezuela, Lord to rebuild their economy. Their country has been decimated by their President and his party. Help them, Jesus to regain their freedom and to live lives of holiness, love and joy. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, please help all Catholics to evangelize and spread the Gospel so that others will come to know You, love You and believe that You are Son of the Living God, true God and true man. Please grant graces to those You are calling into the priesthood and religious life. Help all to say ‘yes’ to Your invitation. Jesus, we need more priests in our diocese and in all dioceses in the world. Please send us an associate pastor, Jesus. We need more holy priests, Lord. Please see to it, Jesus. Lord, heal the sick, all those on the church prayer list and (names withheld) and all who are ill. Help (name withheld), Lord. He is so stressed now. Help him, Jesus.
“My child, I know you are very tired and weary. I know and I am with you. Thank you for going to the memorial Mass to comfort (name withheld). Her heart is breaking, but My Mother comforts her.”
Thank You, Lord. Her earthly mother is so far away and (name withheld) is in a foreign land, though it is now her home. I’m sure she feels lost without her father and lost without her homeland. She must feel as if her world is chipping away, in a sense, and yet perhaps she will begin to feel that her true home is more and more close to her. (Heaven)
“My child, this is a painful part of life, having loved ones die and leave Earth for Heaven. It is more painful when one is unsure about a loved one’s soul and the disposition of it at death. Many people grieve more deeply for this reason. It is truly a gift when a loved one who is close to Me passes from this world and is born into Heaven. Even if souls who are close to Me need some purifying in Purgatory, their family can have confidence they will one day be in Heaven. It is not so for those who die outside of the family of God, because of their rejection of Me. But since you do not know for sure, it is a work of mercy to have Masses said for your loved ones and friends who have died and especially helpful for those in the process of dying for the graces of the Mass, applied to their souls before death can bring the gift of conversion. Do not withhold a Mass for souls in need, either in the act of dying or afterwards. Pray for souls in Purgatory, My child.”
Yes, Jesus.
“My little lamb, keep your children and grandchildren safe by placing them under My Mother’s mantle of protection. Pray the prayer I gave to you, for all of your children and grandchildren. This is a powerful prayer for it is a request that My Sacred Heart and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart be the refuge of souls. Be confident in the protection of My Mother and in My protection. Even if some physical harm comes to those in My protection, be confident that we protect souls and this is the most important kind of protection. Be confident and trust, My Children of Light.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus! Lord, please fulfill Your words regarding the matter of the community that will be discussed next week. Bring about Your Will in this matter, Lord. Restore what is due to people, but most of all, Lord, restore peace and love between all. Lord, we have no one to represent us but You. Therefore, we have the best! Father God, bring all to pass as You Will and as You said would be. Make it so, Father for You said You would. All for Your honor and glory, because no man can work out these impossible problems, but You can, Father. You are the God of the impossible, for nothing is impossible for You.
“My child, no matter the outcome, trust in Me. I am the lover of your soul and I do what is best. In this, rest your confidence and your trust. Be at peace. I am God. All belongs to Me. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end and all that exists, does so by My Will and through My Will. You are My child, the children of God have the richness of Heaven for their inheritance. Nothing on earth, that is earthly wealth, material goods, are really lost if you have the Kingdom in your heart. Remember that where your heart is, there is your kingdom. All will be well, My child. Live out of this knowledge and count on it, for by counting on Me, your soul will have peace and joy.”
Thank You, Father. I love You. I praise You and You are my peace and joy. Give me a pure heart, Lord. Give me a heart for You and only You and Your Will.
“This is a holy prayer, My child. You are growing in this purity and love for Me. Continue this pursuit, My little lamb.”
Yes, Lord. There is joy even in the pursuit. You make life exciting, Lord, even in spite of the crosses, the trials, the suffering. There is much joy because of You. Thank You for Your love, Your mercy and for the life of faith You give so freely to all who seek You.
“My child, draw closer to the heart of My Son in Holy Mass and in Adoration. All who are close to My Son in the Eucharist, console His Sacred Heart, You are sealed in My love in this way.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. I love You. All praise, honor and glory to You now and forever.
Thank You, My little child. You may rest in My peace.”
Alleluia! Jesus, please protect our priests. Keep them safe and give them graces for holiness. Help us to “minister” to them, Lord as we want to serve others as You served others. Keep them safe, especially with all that will come to pass. Please protect our President and Vice President, their families and all cabinet members. Please help us in the fight to end all violence, especially abortion and euthanasia. Oh, Lord we are so miserable without You. We become worse than animals. Bring about conversion and the triumph of Your Mother’s Immaculate Heart.
“My child, what you spoke about last evening regarding a reprieve is true. Things seem good in your country at the moment, but to remain this way will require the hard work of prayer, fasting, penance and more prayer. Do not become complacent, My Children of Light. Souls are on the precipice. They are hanging in the balance. Much, much prayer is needed. If there is an outpouring of prayer, especially the prayer of Scripture which is the Rosary, many souls will be converted and will be saved. If you all become (and in some cases, remain) complacent, souls will be lost and the reprieve will have been wasted. Do not waste this time, My children for this is not something to be taken for granted, but is a great blessing to My people who pleaded with Me to intervene. I intervened, My children, but you must do the same. Now, you must heighten your prayers and do so with a sense of urgency for it is then that you pray from the heart. Do not be lukewarm, My children. There is no time to waste. Be vigilant and remain actively in prayer. May your lives be a prayer and each activity an act of service and love for God and for your neighbor. You may go, My child and be always in My peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My love. Be peace, be mercy and be joy, My child.”
Amen, Jesus. Alleluia!
Source: ➥