Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Praise You, Lord God of Heaven and Earth. It is so good to be here with You, Jesus. Thank You for Confession and Holy Mass. Thank You for Your good and holy priests. Protect them from all evil. Give them every grace needed, Lord to carry out Your Will and mission. Thank You for my beautiful family, for my loving friends and for my husband who is so dear to me. You give every good gift, Jesus even though I am undeserving, but I realize it is because of Your goodness and mercy. Thank You for Your love, which is the best gift of all.
Lord, please heal the sick, the wounded and bring them Your peace. Help each soul who is misguided to be given clarity and an open heart and mind to You. Bring all who are outside of Your family home especially those who are away from the Church. Blessed Mother, bring all of our separated brothers and sisters to Your Son, Jesus. Lord, calm my heart and make it beat at a regular rhythm. Heal me, also Jesus. Jesus, I pray especially for (names withheld) and all who are on the church prayer lists. I also ask for special protection for our President and his cabinet, his family and all who lead our country. Give them openness to Your Holy Spirit, wisdom, courage to do what is right, prudence, fortitude, mercy and right judgement. Restore our country, Lord to Your Will. Bring us the graces of conversion and repentance. Help us to once again be One Nation under God. Help us to have respect for Your Holy Commandments once again. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You!
“My child, thank you for your words of trust. It is good that you trust in Me and trust in My mercy. It is very important in this age to spread the message of My mercy and My love. There are many, many souls who do not know or do not believe in My mercy. Tell people about My mercy and the messages I gave to My holy little Faustina. I want the world to know and so many do not. The world is in dire need of My mercy. You are wondering how you, who are little, can do this, My child, but it begins with you. It begins with each of My Children of Light. You be mercy and love to others. Speak of My mercy when you converse with others. Speak of the mercy of God and tell people there is no bottom to the well of My mercy. There is mercy for all, enough for every person ever born, living now, and for all who will be born. It is unendless and it is for everyone. Anyone who repents and appeals to My mercy will be saved. Come to Me, all who are in need of My mercy, and mercy shall be yours. The world is in severe darkness and many souls are deprived of light. I am the light. I will restore each and every soul who comes to Me. Do not wait until it is too late. Avail yourselves of My mercy now before you stand before Me as the just judge. My mercy is for all the living. No matter, how much evil you have done in your lives, it is not too late while you live on this earth. Once you pass from this life, your choice will have already been made. This is why My lost children, you must choose for Me now. There is much good we will do together, but first you must turn your back on your sins and walk toward Me, the light, the lover of your soul. I redeemed you at a great price, all for the love of your soul. Do not waste My love, but accept it and draw close to Me. Then, you will know peace. Now you know chaos, confusion and unrest. With Me, you will know order, clarity, peace and calm. You will feel really, truly alive, just as in your youth. Trust in My mercy. All will be well, but let us begin right away.”
“My child, you are thinking that because many know of St. Faustina’s diary that you do not need to be the ‘mouthpiece’ of My mercy beyond your daily encounters. This would be true, My child if the world really did know, but sadly they do not. Some are aware, yes. But many are still ignorant of the Gospel. You and all of My Children of Light must be My spokesperson. Live mercy, yes. This is of the utmost importance. But, I ask that you and all who follow Me, speak of My mercy. Be like the few loaves of bread and the fish that I multiplied. I do not need large crowds of people to make My message heard and spread. I need the few willing to be used and multiplied. But, I need each one of you. Do not turn away from this request, My Children of Light. This is a gift I give you, to be apostles of My mercy. If you do not know how to begin, ask Me to guide You. I am guiding and directing My children as in the days of the early Church. Yes, My little lamb, you heard Me correctly. I am pouring out My Spirit in powerful ways to bring many souls into the family of God. All that is needed are open and willing hearts. I will pour out gifts of My Spirit to give each one what is needed for the unique mission of each and every soul. Ask and pray for My Spirit to be given in new and powerful ways to bring about My Kingdom. You must be gifted for this work if you are to truly serve Me, My children for you are among the wolves. My protection is needed not only for your well being and security, but so that you can move out in the world among the wolves and bring My mercy, healing and love to those living in darkness. Yes, My children it is like the days of the early newborn Church. Consider that most people living in your times do not know God, do not love God, and do not believe in God. Consider that it is your mission to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. What will you do? Will you be like My first disciples and spread the message of love? Or, will you be like those who turned and walked away, too uncomfortable at the living Bread from Heaven? My Children of Light, you feel you have already chosen Me and you have but from this day forward now, you must make another choice, to share My love with the world in darkness. Do not say, ‘My family knows God, and my friends do also. We are fine and we will stick to ourselves.’ This is not love, My children. Did I not tell you in Holy Scripture that it is not enough to love your friends? Even the pagans do that. You must love your enemies. Love your enemies. Think of this. Who are your enemies? Are they not those who do not believe? Are they not those who are filled with anger and hate? Are they not those who have faith in pagan, false gods? I ask each one of you, ‘Who are your enemies?’ Visualize them, My little ones. Picture them in your mind. Then, see that I am standing near them also. I am concerned for these lost and confused souls. I died for them, also. They may be difficult now, but you should see what I see. I see how on fire with My love they could be. I see their hearts full of sorrow for their sins. I see the love they could have in their hearts, the many others they could impact if they knew Me. I see their wounds, their pain, the people in their lives who hurt them, often seriously wounded them. I see who they once were when they were little children, before they knew the corruption of sin and evil. I see them this way, My Children of Light, if you show them My love. If you pray and sacrifice for them. If you show them My mercy. If you give them My love. Yes, My little, brave souls. Their salvation depends on My act on Calvary, but it is to you I rely upon to tell them for they do not know. You are those I am calling. It is on you I rely. Think about it, please. Who else is there to send?”
Oh, Jesus I hadn’t really thought about it this way. Of course, You are relying on us. Thank You, that You are. You could do all of this Yourself, but You never planned it that way. You chose 12 Apostles and countless disciples to spread the Gospel and build Your Church.
“Yes, My child and it is just like in those days. There are more pagans than Christians and My holy ones are now the remnant Church. You are the remnant. It has already come to pass, and soon it will be more evident. Do not wait until the numbers are even fewer. There is much wok to do, and we must begin now. There are small pockets of Spirit filled youth and older wiser ones. There are beautiful movements of My Spirit within the Church. It is time to take this Spirit of Mine out to more and more for the good of souls.”
“The New Springtime will come, My child, but there is work to do first. My little lamb, it is wintertime in the history of man. You know when winter is upon you that spring will come. However, when it snows, people must still plow the snow. You put out bird seed during the stark winter to feed My little birds. You wear heavy coats to keep warm and cover your beds with more blankets. You do all of this even though you know spring is coming for you cannot sit around idle until then. Neither can My children remain idle in spreading Christianity during this winter time of souls. You must show others the path of life, the path of truth and of love. You must prepare the way by your loving acts of kindness. You must give teaching and direction, just as in times of weather emergencies. It is no different in the spiritual world. Look around you and see the great need, My children. It is time to act for Me and for My Kingdom. It is time to act for love of neighbor. Make those who are enemies into friends by bringing them to the light. Awaken from your sleep and see there is much work to do for your Jesus. Remember, you are not alone. I am with you. Together, we will save souls. Let us begin, My Children of Light. Ask Me to show you what it is you can do. Pray for direction and it will be yours. Do not be inactive in this great time of need. Ask Me for graces and graces will be yours. Frequent the Sacraments and you will receive all that you need. I am relying upon you, My children. Souls are waiting to hear this Good News that is Jesus. Thank you, My little lamb for giving Me your will. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy who wants to condemn you. You belong to Me and I to you. No harm can come to your soul. Rejoice and be full of joy because I love you. This is true of all of My children. I love you!”
Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord. Help me to do all that You ask.
“I bless you now in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Be love. Be mercy. Be joy.”
Amen. Alleluia!
Source: ➥