Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I am glad to be here with You, Jesus! Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning, and also for the beautiful choir concert after Mass. I’m grateful to You for the Ultreya last evening and for the testimonies of the candidates. Praise You, Lord that Your Holy Spirit is moving so visibly in these days. We need You, Lord. Please pour out Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Lord, thank You also that I was able to see (name withheld) after Mass. Her heart is breaking with grief, Jesus. Help her, Lord. Console her, Jesus and Blessed Mother. I pray for the repose of the soul of her father. Lord, please give us many graces during this election period and guide Your people to vote for pro-life candidates. We need Your grace, Lord to remove the blinders from our eyes and to see through Your eyes. Lord, thank You for (names withheld) and all those who are so faithful to come to adore You. Many are elderly, Jesus and they are very dedicated to You. Where would we be without their prayers and example. Lord, please be with all who are ill and all who do not know Your love. Manifest Your nearness and Your love to them. Help them to know You are near. Be with the Bishops as they begin the conference, Lord. Guide them by the light of Your Holy Spirit. Please bring all who are away from Your Church, home, Jesus especially (names withheld) as well as those who are outside the Church, (names withheld). Please bless the seminarians and protect them. Bring us more vocations, and more people who hear and answer Your invitation.
“My child, see Me in the weak and the poor that I send you. I visit you in them.”
Ok, Jesus. Lord, I don’t see the weak and the poor. Do You mean You will send, Jesus or have I missed these You are referring to, because I am too blind or preoccupied to see?
“My child, I mean the ones I send to you. You see them, My little lamb. You do not see them as being weak or poor, though because you see beauty in them. You do not focus on what they are lacking. Just as you see (name withheld), My faithful one who is older in her years on earth. She is physically weak and she is poor due to her needs, but not material needs. She is poor in her loneliness. Your kindness lifts her spirit and helps her to know she is loved. You saw Me in the man you saw looking in the trash bins downtown. Your heart went out to him and though he left before you could speak to him, I took your prayers for him and gave him the graces you requested I bestow on him. My child, you do not even remember the many encounters with others you have, for they seem small and insignificant to you. I tell you they are not insignificant to Me. My child, I point this out to you so that you will be encouraged and realize that even though you do not remember, I remember, because when you are kind to these who are poor and weak, you are showing kindness to Me, your Jesus. I know you are thinking that others do much more than you. I am not calling you to be ‘others’. I am calling you to be you and to minister and show love right where you are, in each moment of the day, where you work, where you live, where you pray. I invite all of My children to be more aware of those around you in every situation of your lives, while you go about your daily tasks, plans and routines. There is a hurting world all around you, My children. I walked the earth and showed you what it is to love. I encountered people everywhere I went. You do, also. Your environments are your mission fields just as My geographic region was My mission field. Think of this, My Children of Light, I did not travel overseas to other continents. I sent My Apostles to do that. I did not board airplanes (though we did not have them) to travel thousands of miles for My mission. I went where My Father sent Me, in My homeland and in the surrounding regions. My time was brief but I covered much ground right where I lived and worked and the neighboring towns. My children, you do not need to go far to be My emissaries of love. You are My ambassadors and you take Me wherever you go. Do not be miserly and keep Me all to yourselves. Share the love you have for Me and the love I have for you, with all you meet. Perhaps someone who passes you in the aisle at the grocery store is in desperate need to be acknowledged. Your smile and look of love may be the difference between a glimmer of hope and despair. Perhaps your handshake is the only human touch they will have all week. My child, you are not passing strangers, you are passing your brothers and sisters. You are all part of the family of God. You will see them again one day in Heaven and each of you will remember the brief encounters you had on earth. Do not waste any encounter, for I oversee them all and each one is important in the Kingdom of God. Small acts of kindness, through love, are very powerful, My children.”
If these small acts are so powerful, Jesus I can’t imagine how powerful larger acts of kindness are. There are many who risk their lives each day for our safety, Jesus like the police, the firefighters, the military and countless others. They often live heroic lives and even lose their lives for complete strangers. The missionaries who leave their homelands, some of them forever, to spread the Good News of the Gospel. Jesus, it does make the small encounters seem less important. But, I understand that each and every life is important to You, Jesus.
“Yes, My child. You are correct there are people living heroically each day. They sacrifice much for their fellowman. This is extremely important and meritorious. What I want My children to see is that you, also have a mission field. It may seem less glamorous, less dangerous, but it is no less important. I am counting on you, My children. If you do not extend yourselves to those in your midst, who will? Many times, you are the only one I send who can make an impact at exactly the right time. You do not know what is in the hearts of others, but I do. I know exactly what others need and the timing of your paths crossing is Providential (smiling). Please be more aware of your brothers and sisters, Children of Light. You have My light. You are to bring it to others. All others. Your roles are very important to the Kingdom of Heaven. You are not perfect, I know for I made you. My Apostles were not perfect, either. Some were not even as holy as My Children of Light in these days. Not at first, that is. They grew to magnificent holiness and love, but they were not at that level when they began to follow Me. Please do not underestimate what I can do working in and through you. You cannot do this mission alone, it is true. But oh, what we can do together! We will build the Kingdom of Heaven, My children. It is the Father’s Will. It is My Will. You must desire this, also. Pray for the grace to desire My Kingdom. Pray for the grace to work to bring it about. Pray for the graces to love heroically, and then be open to the graces I give to you. Be not afraid to love. There is nothing to fear. Be love, be mercy, be joy, be peace. I am with you. I give you My love, My mercy, My joy, My peace. You give it to others. Do not judge the lives others are living, for you do not know their circumstances. I do. You do not know the depth of their wounds. I do. You do not know how they have been treated, and if they were raised with no love in their lives. I do. You do not know how many times they were abused by those who were supposed to care for them and protect them. I do. You do not know anything about their souls, My children. I do. Therefore, you are not to judge them or criticize them. Only love them and show them love. Some will tell you they do not deserve your love. You will spoil them, or they will get the wrong idea that it’s alright to be the way they are! My children, this is nonsense. Do I not spoil all of My children by providing sunshine to nourish the plants you need to eat and to make the flowers and trees grow? Do I not provide the rain to keep you from having a draught? Do I not provide a nice breeze on a hot summer day to cool you? Do I not provide the birds, the fish, the animals and the plant life for you? Which one of you is so godly that you have never sinned? Which of you deserves every good thing you have? Did I not give you talents, intelligence and skills to earn a living? Yes, you cooperate with My gifts by working, but which of you endowed yourselves with these gifts at birth? None of you, My children. You know the answers to these questions because they are obvious to you now, but how often do you reflect on these things? Many are quick to judge those who struggle in life, but fail to see that only by My grace are your lives different. My children, it is part of My plan to give some more material gifts than others, because you need to be made holy through the sharing of your gifts with others who cannot repay you. Do you see, My children? Many of My children who are living in poverty are holy. They do not like the lives they have, and yet many accept their crosses with humility. It is difficult to ask others for help. Do not look down on those who need your help. One day, everyone needs help, My children. When you are elderly or infirmed, you will also need help. It is part of the human condition. Be generous with your assistance, your kindness, your good deeds. Begin first with your own families for these are often the most important mission fields. Do not ignore others, though but go outside your ‘inner circles’ and be kind and merciful to others. My children, your Jesus did not have to speak to your parents and grandparents in this way, for they read Scripture and they knew how to help one another. It was part of their way of life. Neighbors helped neighbors and anyone who crossed their paths in need. Even if there wasn’t as much financial prosperity, there was generosity and hospitality. My children of this age are losing the art of hospitality and generosity. Be more aware of those in need. Some are not poor materially, but are lonely, grieving or have too much stress and strain in their lives. Perhaps they are caring for loved ones who are ill and they are working and raising a family. What can you do for them? Perhaps cook a meal, or visit with their sick family member, or run errands for them. Pray for them, speak with them. Let them know that you care and that you notice. You may be the only one who extends this kindness. The world will be a better place, My children for your love. You must learn to live in this way of love now, or you will not be prepared for the life of love in Heaven. Heaven is all love, My children. It is being in the presence of Love Himself. It is the fullness of love. You must begin to live as if you were living in Heaven now.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus for reminding me how important each day that You give us is, in bringing about Your Kingdom. Thank You for making it easy to understand and simple, Jesus. Thank You for each encounter You give us with others. Help me to see each person as a blessing and a gift from You, Lord. Thank You for the many times You have sent people to help me. Each smile and hug given to Me was really a gift from You and I am very grateful. Thank You for Your beautiful, unconditional love, Jesus. Thank You for Your infinite mercy, Your forgiveness, Your peace. Jesus, You know each and every concern on my heart. Take these concerns, Lord and deal with them as You see fit. Help me with the heart condition I have, Lord. I offer it for all who have broken hearts, who do not know love or the source of love. Help my children and grandchildren to love and follow You, Lord. See to each one’s needs and give them what they need for their souls and hearts. Thank You, Jesus that You hold each person in the palm of Your hand. Praise You and thank You, my Lord and my God. I love!
“And I love you, My child. I take your sufferings and your offerings in prayer, and I will use them for the good of the Kingdom. Thank You, My little lamb for your love and your friendship. You may go now in peace, My child. I am with you. I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be mercy, be love, be peace, be joy. I will provide all that is needed.”
Thank You, my Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥