Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
It Is the Pride…!
- Message No. 1378 -

My child. It is the pride of people that so often and again keeps them away from Me, from their Jesus who loves them so much.
My beloved children: If only you knew that it is through the pride you feel that the devil gets and has so much power over you!
He who is proud is not with Me!
He who is proud is vulnerable!
He who is proud always leaves the door slightly open for the devil!
Children, awaken and see where you are going! So many of you are 'changing' My Holy Church and do not see what a big space you are giving to the devil!
Do you not see it?
Examine yourselves, beloved children that you are, and do not walk in the wrong ways of the evil one! He, who is deceitful and cunning, deceives you even in My Holy Church!
Do you not see it?
You open the doors to him into My Holy Temple, and you open the doors to him into your heart, yet you do not notice it!
Pride is a great trap, so be warned, beloved children that you are, for he who carries pride in his heart is not devoted to Me, his Jesus!
Pride is the ticket for the devil to gain entrance and to lead you further and further away from My true teaching-cunningly and insidiously!
Be vigilant and do not give in to pride, because whoever feels pride is already going astray!
Examine yourselves, beloved children, examine yourselves.
We have already told you that difficult times await you. The most difficult test, however, is to remain faithful to Me, your Jesus, always in humility and devotion.
Whoever carries pride in his heart has strayed from the path that leads to Me, who leads to the Father!
So check yourselves and do not get wrapped up in the movements of innovations in My Holy Church! They do not come from Me, beloved children that you are, for My teaching is eternal! You cannot bend them as YOU want, but you must find the true way to Me. Only in humility will you be close to Me, only with a humble and contrite heart.
So examine yourselves, beloved children that you are, and do not fall for the devil!
He, the prince of darkness, deceives and lulls you. He puts himself in shining light, and under the guise of many of your present catchwords, he takes more and more terrain in you and in My Church. Be careful and be warned!
The trials are great, so remain vigilant, beloved children, remain alert and humble. Amen.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus. Who I Am. Always. Amen.
Source: ➥