Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, February 12, 2018
The consequence of your sins so grave!
- Message No. 1188 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: What is happening on your earth today is the product, the consequence, of your so grave sins that you, beloved children, commit against My Son and His Almighty Father every day.
You offend My Son in words, in deeds, in thoughts and works, and you do not think about the consequences that this has for you, your fellow men, your earth - your habitat - and your descendants - your children (!), because the sins you commit weigh heavily on those you have around you and on those who come after you, and here especially on your children, My beloved children, who are you.
So always keep in mind that with every evil you do, with every sin you not only hurt the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, Jesus, but you deprive your children of joy, of lightness, by making them atone for your offenses, because your sins lie and weigh heavily on your descendants.
Only a pure soul will pave the way for his children that leads to Jesus and God the Father, and he will not put a burden of sin on them.
So remember, everything you do against Jesus and the commandments of Almighty Father will pass on to your children.
So repent of what you did and do wrong, atone and make atonement for your sins, so that you may come before your Lord washed clean and not leave the filth of your sins to your children!
Listen to My word, beloved children that you are, and keep away from sin!
Much time does not remain for you, so purify yourselves, My beloved children, before the day of warning comes.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥