Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
That the worst evil may continue to be restrained!
- Message No. 1187 -

My child. Bad days have begun, but so much and most is still concealed from you. Subliminally, the devil through his henchmen is already trying to implement all that We have foretold and revealed to you in many messages.
So pray, My children, even more fervently for your Jesus, because HE alone is Redeemer of the world. Pray in HIS intentions, so that HE may pour out all His mercy upon your earth and bestow upon you, My children, graces of strengthening, faith and perseverance!
Beg Him, the Almighty, to put an abbreviated end to this misery, so that you may be able to withstand and not perish in the mire of the devil's networks. He has already "caught" many, but more and more are rising up against his machinations, and you must pray, My children, so that the worst evil will continue to be held back, so that the greatest evil, the greatest tribulation will be STOPPED by God, our Father!
My children. Do not worry, but pray more fervently and implore to the ALMIGHTY Father and HIS Son! I cannot and must not tell you more today.
Ask also always for the clarity and purity of the Holy Spirit and persevere, My children. Amen.
In deep and sincere love I take leave of you today. Your Bonaventure. Amen.
Source: ➥