Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
What is currently needed and required!
- Message No. 1169 -

My child. My dear child. Hear and write what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say to the children and to you today: your time here on earth is passing, beloved children of My heart, and many MUST FIND MY SON!
The sacrifice that is presently needed and required of you who are children of atonement is great, but be sure THAT IT WILL BE FRUITFUL! No atonement is in vain, no suffering you accept IN THE NAME OF MY SON! Everything you bring to Jesus is transformed into love, everything you offer to HIM, your Savior, HE transforms! So also all that you offer to HIM, your Jesus.
Be ready, beloved children of the earth, for soon the promised day will have come, and woe to him who has slept, who has "waited" and has not prepared, to you be said: Jesus will come to redeem you, who sincerely love HIM, obey HIS word and are faithful and devoted to HIM, and take you with Him into HIS New Kingdom, but YOU MUST BE READY FOR HIM! So whoever "waits" and does nothing, be warned now, because his soul will not participate in the glorious time. He has "overslept", is neither faithful, nor pure, nor ready, and the kingdom of My Son will not be granted to HIM. So get ready, beloved children that you are, and DO NOT WAIT!
Prepare yourselves, for the time that remains is short! Already the things that have been said are showing themselves, but Our children do not want to see them.
Get ready before it is too late, for the day of great joy is near, very near, but joy will be experienced only by the one who has faithfully given himself to Jesus and is ready for HIM, his Jesus. Amen.
I love you, beloved children of the earth. Be ready and pray at all times. Your prayer is so important. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
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