Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Oppression, persecution, infiltration, suppression! For what do you have a free will?
- Message No. 1168 -

My child. Keep writing for Us. It is important. For you, for the people who are faithful to Our messages.
My child. Your world is changing, but "the wind is blowing from the wrong direction". More and more the foretold is showing itself, and he who puts one and one together will see, he who puts one and one together will hear, and he who puts one and one together will begin to prepare, for he sees and hears and FEELS that the end is near.
My children. My children so beloved by Me. Awake and get ready! The suppression of Christians, the persecution of Christians, the infiltration of Christian institutions, as well as the suppression of Christian values have increased rapidly! Everywhere in the world this shows, yet a large part of you remains mute and in deep sleep!
See what is happening around you and ACT! You act, by praying, you act, by preparing yourselves, you act, by paying homage to My Son, attending your Holy Masses, seeking Him out in the Tabernacle and in adoration! You act, by finally awakening and turning your lives around!
You must go the way of Christ, otherwise you will be lost!
Children, children, children, how many times have We addressed the word to you, and yet you remain silent and in deep sleep. You are closer to the end than you think, yet you do not want to see the signs! You believe the lies of your mediaand bind yourselves to preconceived opinions, WITHOUT CONSIDERING THEM BASED IN CHRIST!
You let yourselves be bought, bribed and driven like cattle in one direction, children, for what do you have a free will, if you run willy-nilly (as you think) after those who want your downfall?
Believe Me, My children, you are not free-willed. All this happens because you do not use your free will for Jesus, but leave the decisions "to others", and you do this willingly.
So think about your "not acting for Jesus", because he who does not go the way of the Lord will not share in the harvest, he who thinks he has to accept the decisions of others willy-nilly, he does this willy-nilly, he who thinks he himself is good because "the others have decided" without even giving it a thought and effort, he also does this WILLY!
Children, My so beloved children. You are strong! Your prayer is strong! Act and prepare yourselves, this is the message I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to give you today, because I see how your non-action gives free way to evil and the disaster that will come upon you all IF YOU CONTINUE TO SLEEP!
Every word of righteousness in Christ plants a new seed!
Every act of love and devotion in Christ sets a new mark and plants a new seed!
Every prayer to Christ bears fruit, just as the seed planted and planted, in the Lord's field, will grow, mature and bear fruit.
Believe, My children, believe, for every oh-so-small detail is great to the Father, and in HIS righteousness HE will work these miracles.
Believe, My children, believe, for the Lord is Great and Almighty, and in HIS ALL POWER HE will conquer evil and make him share in the fruits of the harvest who has sown in HIS NAME!
Believe, My children, believe, for the day of harvest is near!
Believe, My children, believe, for the Lord watches over you. Amen.
With deep love.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥